Since so many Castle Siege and Siege King tag requests have failed, I have decided to make this detailed guide for the Infinitians, so they can successfully request Castle Siege Tag without any issue. Guild Masters are obligated to inform their members about this thread. All the Castle Siege tags are removed each Saturday, so if your guild wins in a row, you will still need to send a valid screenshot to the administrator. The only staff member that adds Castle Siege tags is any of the Administrator or the Lead Moderator.
How do I know if your screenshot is valid? Here is how:
Castle Owner Tag Request:
Guild Members can request the Castle Owner tag.
If you are a regular guild member who wants only the Castle Owner Tag:
Siege King Tag Request:
Guild Master of the Alliance can request the Siege King tag.
If you are the Guild Master of the Winning Alliance Guild:
You will NOT get any tag if :
Thank you for understanding!
InfinityMU Administration
Since so many Castle Siege and Siege King tag requests have failed, I have decided to make this detailed guide for the Infinitians, so they can successfully request Castle Siege Tag without any issue. Guild Masters are obligated to inform their members about this thread. All the Castle Siege tags are removed each Saturday, so if your guild wins in a row, you will still need to send a valid screenshot to the administrator. The only staff member that adds Castle Siege tags is any of the Administrator or the Lead Moderator.
How do I know if your screenshot is valid? Here is how:
- In your screenshot, the golden global announcement that says that your alliance has won Castle Siege must be visible. This is an important step.
- In your screenshot, the upper-left blue text that appears every time you take a screenshot must be visible so I can know that the screenshot is not old.
- Your screenshot must be taken directly from the
InfinityMU > Photos
folder. Screenshots that are not original won't be accepted. Here is how to locate your screenshot HOW TO LOCATE YOUR SCREENSHOT GUIDE.
Follow the below steps to successfully receive the requested tag, based on your position:
Castle Owner Tag Request:
Guild Members can request the Castle Owner tag.

If you are a regular guild member who wants only the Castle Owner Tag:
- Send a valid screenshot (taken only from the
InfinityMU > Photos
folder) to any of the Administrator or Lead Moderator via a forum PM [More Information]. The screenshot needs to be taken at the end of the Castle Siege. You need to include your in-game character name (for the +3 IMES reward). Screenshots must be uploaded to or another similar image uploading site, but Imgur is preferred.
Siege King Tag Request:
Guild Master of the Alliance can request the Siege King tag.

If you are the Guild Master of the Winning Alliance Guild:
- Send 3 valid screenshots (taken only from the
InfinityMU > Photos
folder) to any of the Administrator or Lead Moderatorvia a forum PM [More Information]. The 3 screenshots must be taken: 1 at the beginning of the Siege, 1 in the middle of the Siege, and 1 at the end of the Siege. Screenshots must be uploaded to or another similar image uploading site, but Imgur is preferred. - IMPORTANT! This tag will be given to the real Alliance leader only IF they have participated in the Castle Siege themselves. As a sealer, or, in the case of a sealer pilot, with other normal game characters.
You will NOT get any tag if :
- You sent another person's screenshot.
- Your screenshot is not valid.
- You have sent just 1 screenshot. The procedure is to send 3 screenshots (Start, Middle and End of Siege);
- You send a video instead of a screenshot.
- You don’t send a screenshot at all (yes, it happened…).
- You send a PM to multiple staff members at once!! Learn to be patient. PMing more staffers with the same issue / request will not ensure faster response.
You can choose only one single staff member to request the tag, 1 Administrator or Lead Moderator.
- You don't title your PM's correctly! [Click here to know how your titles must be named]
All Castle Siege tag requests must be sent within 24 hours after CS has finished!
If you do not respect the above requirements, your request can and will be ignored, so before sending your request, be sure the recipient and information are correct.
If you do not respect the above requirements, your request can and will be ignored, so before sending your request, be sure the recipient and information are correct.
Important note: Your CS win will not be registered in the Hall of Fame Castle Siege Winners thread if a Castle Siege Discussion thread of the given date does not exist.
The time limit for creating a Castle Siege Discussion thread is 1 week until the next Castle Siege Event.
Thank you for understanding!
InfinityMU Administration
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