Craziest Person for 3 years talking to his lady and still busted :)
Xeltran Dancer of InfinityMU! Joined July 11th , 2015 Messages 324 Reaction score 150 Location From the World of HipHop March 1st , 2016 #1 Craziest Person for 3 years talking to his lady and still busted
MsFaye Dont get too close,I bite Joined August 18th , 2011 Messages 506 Reaction score 355 Location NOWHERE March 1st , 2016 #2 so sad of you cloud, lumen is married with the swordman outside the bar (haha) this is why she aint talking to u.
so sad of you cloud, lumen is married with the swordman outside the bar (haha) this is why she aint talking to u.
Flippy Legend Joined January 28th , 2016 Messages 1,034 Reaction score 7,735 Age 34 March 1st , 2016 #3 Xeltran be like :