Hello Infinity Players!,
Here is another special event for you, a very simple one!
At the upcomping Castle Siege, Saturday the 29.12.2012 is the Guild Master
of a guild with the "most" seals in this CS going to win a Full Option item by his own choice!
& that was not everything, his Assistant Guild Master is going receive a 3 Option item by his own choice!
I will be simply online the whole time at this day and count seal by seal, note that the winner of this siege
doesn't matter for this event & only the above said notes are playing a role!
You have to register below otherwise you can not participate at this event,
you simply have to follow the following Guidelines & Concepts :
Here is another special event for you, a very simple one!
At the upcomping Castle Siege, Saturday the 29.12.2012 is the Guild Master
of a guild with the "most" seals in this CS going to win a Full Option item by his own choice!
& that was not everything, his Assistant Guild Master is going receive a 3 Option item by his own choice!
I will be simply online the whole time at this day and count seal by seal, note that the winner of this siege
doesn't matter for this event & only the above said notes are playing a role!
You have to register below otherwise you can not participate at this event,
you simply have to follow the following Guidelines & Concepts :
- You must have at least 30 Members at your guild
- You did add in-game a minimum ammount of 2000 SOLs to register for cs.
Format -
I wish the Players & our whole Community a premature Merry Christmas and enjoy this event.Guild Name :
Guild Master :
Assistant Guild Master :
Guild Members :
InfinityMu Staff HGM Nic
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