Hello there, dear Infinitians!
Christmas is fast approaching soon and for this yearly celebration we have decided to make an event for this very special celebration. Since almost all of us all over the world celebrate this celebration and for sure every family has its own Christmas Tree in their home. The sense of this event is to create your own or show your Christmas Tree Decoration and take a picture of with a piece of paper including it.
Mechanics of the event:
Each forum account may only submit one entry per user.
You will need to design and decorate your own Christmas Tree.
You must show your in-game and forum name as well in a piece of paper together in the picture.
Also you must include the word "Merry Christmas InfinityMU"
Entries must be uploaded only at https://postimages.org/ or www.imgur.com
Edited entries or picture are not allowed, it must be real.
โฆ Design
โฆ Background
โฆ Realistic
โฆ Efforts
โฆ Creativity
Rewards and Prizes:

Uber Weapon T2 + 13 + Full Options + Uber Ring/Pendant
x2 Uber Weapon T1 +13+ Full Options + Uber Ring/Pendant x2 (by winners choice) + 10 FIMES.

Full Gear + Full Option + 6 FIMES.
example: Excellent Titan Set, 3rd Wings, x2 Rings of Wind, x1 Pendant of Wind, 2 Weapons by choice or 1 weapon + shield by choice.

10000 Gold Credits + 2 IMES point
Consolation prizes:
โฆ 3000 Gold Credits each users for their efforts.
โฆ Only Entries will be posted in this Event Thread!
โฆStarts now :: December 1, 2023!
โฆ You have time until 0:00 AM gmt+8, December 24,2023
โฆ Poll will start after!
WARNING: Any form of cheating such as using multiple forum accounts is against the rules and you'll be disqualified from the event.
Good Luck To Everyone!
Happy Holidays by InfinityMU Team!
