This is a fake video u are the cheater and u will be banned rush ! HAHAH i just joke
Grats is niceone video u are the fingers master , anyway i do see u push crtl button .. how u hit him :fumando:
7. Spamming. An obvious one but still. I would suggest you post a minimum of 10 words per post. If we notice you are not doing this and frequently have 5 or less words quite often we will warn you to make your posts a bit longer. This is mainly for those who scan the forums and post like 20 posts in an hour which are all real short posts. In general try and add something to the topic besides "I agree" or something like "Cool something something."SPAM is considered posts like "Thanks for sharing,Cool,Haha,etc." There is a thanks button and Spam zone for those who want to do it.
This is a fake video u are the cheater and u will be banned rush ! HAHAH i just joke
Grats is niceone video u are the fingers master , anyway i do see u push crtl button .. how u hit him :fumando:
Thank u Kolbus, Yes u can hold the control button on the right instead of holding the left one. Its easy to use combo and realize that its more comfortable while playing with your left fingers by doing combo