nope, you already used your 3 chances to guess for this round#Jzzzy
Volcano Gloves+ Hp +adddef
kindly wait for the next round.
it's 1 option only
nope, you already used your 3 chances to guess for this round#Jzzzy
Volcano Gloves+ Hp +adddef
nope, pls try again your last chance to guess for this roundSugbo!
Volcano Gloves+ref
Volcano Gloves+DD
6 banned
3 staff
incorrect, pls try againChi
imu998, imu888,, imu999, imu991, imu923
imu923 imu888 imu991 imu998imu999
imu923 imu888 imu998 imu991 imu999
all are incorrect, pls try again boizDLGibo
imu888, imu998,, imu999, imu991, imu923
imu991, imu923, imu999, imu998, imu888
Imu923, imu991,imu888,imu999,imu998
all are incorrect guys! pls try again#Lucifer
imu999 imu888 imu991 imu998imu923