Game Update Connect Problem From Philippines

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Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
Reaction score
Important announcement regarding connecting issues from Philippines and especially Asia continent since last night:

Reboot your modems / routers if your connect button doesn't appear. Problem should be fixed few minutes after the reboot and the game should be working. Otherwise just contact your internet providers.

Scarlette said:
Last night I has encounter this problem too, can't connect event i keep re-launch mu.exe but its late already so I stop trying,
this morning I still cannot connect and I try to restart my modem, and the problem is gone, I can connect just fine till now :)
PS : I'm at Indonesia (South East Asia)

All The Best,
The InfinityMU Team
yeah this was started last night I tried opening mu.exe theres no connect button at all what I did was to reboot everything specially my modem and try it again. What I clicked or open was the mu.exe not the auto updater for 10x and connect button shows up clicked on the connect then my concern was 100% solved. Try it your self maybe it will work .... BTW Im from Asia as well specifically Philippines and I use PLDT as our provider..
I can connect sometimes but most of the time i cannot. the connect button will not even show. So how do we solve this? Contacted my ISP, they didnt change anything as they said x.x
I guess this was already been solved you can go ahead and connect right away LETS ENJOY GAMING :oye:

If you still cannot connect go ahead a follow the steps/video below: Credits to Carpfogey :)

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hello Admins i have this problem again connect button is missing i already reboot my modem still no use hows this sir
hello Admins i have this problem again connect button is missing i already reboot my modem still no use hows this sir

Try To download The client Again.. It's happen to me and I download The Client Again.. now its so fine :)
Cannot connect when using wtfast.
Cannot connect when using wtfast.
Temporary fix : use Leatrix Latency Fixer for the moment or try the PingZapper.
As already stated its not an issue regarding our server so therefor there is nothing we can do to solve this.
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