Can you be more specific? Or can you take a Screen Shot of it. Then post it here. upload your Screen shot in or so we can see it clearly
I still can't get it. What application you are using? The "Main.exe" or the "MU". Choose the "MU.exe" Then if it doesn't work click AutoUpdate. Put the screen shot on your main problem or what we called "error". Then post it here. So other helpers can help you. Thank you
I am using the Mu exe i used it used the update but even after that i press connect and then it just dissapears and no error message pops up it just closes
I encountered your problem before, you need to try these FF:
1. run auto update.
2. re install ur client
3. re download the folder make sure 100% complete download.
No muguard poop out? No anti virus catch file in infinity?
check ur taskbar if you have warkeys / or any keys in game close it.
if anti virus eat 1 file in infinity folder. disable before you run the client.
Hello buddy. I think I had this problem since 2 weeks ago, and I was tried enter to game, but the launcher was disappearing always.
So, I suppose that I need to download this patch HERE or try this with this patch HERE .
or maybe you should show us what's that you got? , ask here.