CS Time?

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Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
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Hello friends,
Some players cannot join in siege due saturday work schedule so they suggest to change the CS day to Sunday (same time 4-6PM utc+3) This poll is opened just to see everyone's opinion about CS time. This poll is created with informative purpose. We might not change the CS time at all. We just want to see players opinions.

Please vote wisely!
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Sunday is the only holiday for working people and they may want to spend this day with their families.. For this reason, cs participation may decrease further..
my suggestion is to reduce the cs time from 2 hours to 1 hour even if it will be on a sunday..

thanks good games...
Hi there. Sunday is optional option. Yes, there can be some issue who want to spend their time for family, to go outside ..etc on sunday, But still i think most of us can handle it.
Let's look at it from another point of view, the current CS time is suitably mostly for our Pinoy friends and similar to their GMT ZONE. But there're also players from Europe - different countries which is different GMT ZONE and they're not able to play, I can't play either. Because me and most of my European friends working on saturday till 6-7pm and we are free only on sunday. So think about it, players can be increase over time, there could be more players, more guilds/alliances again. I think Sunday will be fine for everyone, but not onesided.
My vote goes for Sunday, unfortunately saturday cs time is not ok for me and I am sure it is same for most European/Different GMT zone players too who working on saturday. Also we have enough players online on sunday, additionally they are joining big events so on. It means they can handle their schedule and we have a family too. Imagine we are working 6 days and trying to play castle siege on sunday. Some things can be handle, but we cannot leave our jobs. For me, the choice that suits everyone is the best choice. So vote wisely dear infinitians. Thanks.
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I vote for Sunday. Because some of my reallife friends and also some ingame friends are working on saturday. I want to invite them to play with me, but unfortunately they cannot play due to current castle siege time.

Thank you
I vote , for Sunday. Cuz for me. I got a work from Mon-Sat , my free day is only Sunday.. i agree to other for voting in Sunday.
The CS time and day had been changed before as well, and I think it's fair enough that CS time is a subject to change. Saturday or Sunday for me personally, it doesn't really bother me. My vote is to change CS time to Sunday. it might affect player counts during CS but overtime and I think in the long run it will be the same as always. It might also increase too.. :)
There is really no best schedule for CS as there will always be people that are available and people that are not, whatever time and day it is.

Best way to see what's the best schedule is to change temporarily, compare the numbers and see the trend. Data will tell 📈;)

I got no issues whatever the sched is. Just wanted to share my 2cents.

i vote Saturday mainly for two reasons. First would be, as mentioned above, Sunday is already booked for big events. I don't see any reason why move or remove big events. Second reason is most players who plays CS currently are PH players and putting CS, a 2 hour event, on Sunday would be brutal considering they go back to work on Monday morning.
Sunday is big event day.
Saturday (for most people) is a day off, (sunday) not for everyone including me (EU).
Ph players are playing cs at 9pm -11pm.
not everyone work on saturday only people with specific work schedule, its a day off for most ppl.

I agree with Peaceful with this... If ever Castle Siege event will be moved to sunday, it will be very hard to find new, suitable time for Big Events... There may be a chance that Big Events won't be hosted anymore (or until we find the time that Event Masters will agree on).
Saturday makes the most sense! as it is in-between Friday and Sunday, therefore accomodates the most people playing in different timezones!
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i suggest if anything change the time of cs but leave it on saturday, for example, my cs time is at 9am, then change it to 9pm or 10pm, PH will have the cs at morning like alot of us, just another suggestion if it helps....
Personal Opinion:
To remain as it is, For Australia CS is about 11-1.
For Saturday is fine.but not for Sunday...
Monday is a working day and it is too late.

I was looking if there is any better time but unfortunately there isn't, for Sunday an alternative time could be the following ( just 1 hour or 2 hours earlier) :

Brasília 08:00 GMT -03:00 26/09
Sofia 13:00 GMT +03:00 26/09
Hanoi 18:00 GMT +07:00 26/09
Manila 19:00 GMT +08:00 26/09
Sydney 21:00 GMT +10:00 26/09
Central European Time 13:00 GMT +02:00 26/09

Another recommendation could be rotation every week or every fortnight between sunday and saturday OR rotation for the time 1 week advantage for GMT +7,+8 next week GMT +2,+3

If my comment is off-topic please delete it

I agree with Peaceful with this... If ever Castle Siege event will be moved to sunday, it will be very hard to find new, suitable time for Big Events... There may be a chance that Big Events won't be hosted anymore (or until we find the time that Event Masters will agree on).
the other side; "maybe" more players(more then castle siege) playing sunday at big events, "maybe" because most of them working saturday. this is also a possibility.
Thanks for your opinions and feedback.
CS time will remain as it is. Enjoy InfinityMU!
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