Banned Acc of Char [D]anDe VeM6TuD0 DrummerSM vaMpDragoN Carlin_Br

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September 23rd , 2018
Reaction score
Character(s) Involved
[D]anDe VeM6TuD0 DrummerSM vaMpDragoN Carlin_Br
Ban Reason
Dropping Items (activation of Gate of Kalima in Castle Siege)
Offense Number
First Time
Ban Duration
3 days
17:44:35 [Kalima] [*****][[D]anDe] Try to Create Kalima Gate
17:44:35 [Kalima] [*****][[D]anDe] Create Kalima Gate Successfuly (Live:1, GateTick:488450176, DieRegen:0, Map:30, X:183, Y:207, SummonIndex:795, OwnerIndex:3975, GateNo.:7)
17:44:35 [Kalima] [*****][[D]anDe] Success to Make Kalima Gate (Lost Kalima Map Serial:0)

17:28:26 [Kalima] [*****][Carlin_Br] Try to Create Kalima Gate
17:28:26 [Kalima] [*****][Carlin_Br] Create Kalima Gate Successfuly (Live:1, GateTick:487481691, DieRegen:0, Map:30, X:186, Y:195, SummonIndex:786, OwnerIndex:2852, GateNo.:7)
17:28:26 [Kalima] [*****][Carlin_Br] Success to Make Kalima Gate (Lost Kalima Map Serial:0)
17:27:42 [Kalima] [*****][VeM6TuD0] Try to Create Kalima Gate
17:27:42 [Kalima] [*****][VeM6TuD0] Create Kalima Gate Successfuly (Live:1, GateTick:487437707, DieRegen:0, Map:30, X:188, Y:191, SummonIndex:785, OwnerIndex:3869, GateNo.:7)
17:27:42 [Kalima] [*****][VeM6TuD0] Success to Make Kalima Gate (Lost Kalima Map Serial:0)

17:27:41 [Kalima] [*****][DrummerSM] Try to Create Kalima Gate
17:27:41 [Kalima] [*****][DrummerSM] Create Kalima Gate Successfuly (Live:1, GateTick:487436082, DieRegen:0, Map:30, X:187, Y:193, SummonIndex:784, OwnerIndex:3002, GateNo.:7)
17:27:41 [Kalima] [*****][DrummerSM] Success to Make Kalima Gate (Lost Kalima Map Serial:0)
17:27:19 [Kalima] [*****][[D]anDe] Try to Create Kalima Gate
17:27:19 [Kalima] [*****][[D]anDe] Create Kalima Gate Successfuly (Live:1, GateTick:487414520, DieRegen:0, Map:30, X:176, Y:211, SummonIndex:783, OwnerIndex:3975, GateNo.:7)
17:27:19 [Kalima] [*****][[D]anDe] Success to Make Kalima Gate (Lost Kalima Map Serial:0)
17:25:13 [Kalima] [*****][vaMpDragoN] Try to Create Kalima Gate
17:25:13 [Kalima] [*****][vaMpDragoN] Create Kalima Gate Successfuly (Live:1, GateTick:487287816, DieRegen:0, Map:30, X:188, Y:193, SummonIndex:781, OwnerIndex:2535, GateNo.:7)
17:25:13 [Kalima] [*****][vaMpDragoN] Success to Make Kalima Gate (Lost Kalima Map Serial:0)
Bannned according to the InfinityMU Game Rules, Warning and Banning Procedures

GM Team are fully monitoring the process of the castle siege event and the game must be fair, we are responsible for this. Do not try to ruin the event and follow the Rules of the Game.
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