DarkAmor's GM Application

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™InfinityMU VIP TeaM™
March 4th , 2011
Reaction score
Name: Borislav Andreev
Age: 19
Country: Bulgaria
Time Zone: +2 GMT
Language can speak: Bulgarian, little Spanish & ENGLISH (mostly English)
Time Spend in game/forum: mostly the lowest hour that I spend here is 15-20 hours

Why you wanna become TGM/GM?

I wont to be part from InfinityMU family.I like this servers more than evrybody here.. I had a little tropble with my coputer but I am back online!

Are you active In game or Forum?

YES of course I am.

You know that this position had a big responsible, can you handle this position?

If you give me a chance to prove myself to be part of the TGM I will do my best I can. I do not like to talk a lot! I just do it!
Soo bring it on! ;]

Why do you think that we should chose you as one of the TGMs and part of the InfinityMu Staff?

Becourse I have a very big experience in big servers! I hate someone to break the RLZ.I am friendly guy and I whoud like to help to anyone with any problems! I will be verry happy to be part of the InfinityMU TGM Staff

PEACE! \\//
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