application for gm
Name: Grazvydas Stoncius
Gender: Male
Timezone: GTM (Greenwich Meant time: Dublin, Edinburg, Lisbon, London.
Languages:English & Lithuanian
Why do I think I am eligble for being /GM?
Iv been gm in several mu online servers and i know how to be one i know how to communicate with people:? I like infinity mu better then any other game. I know how to make sweet events TvT would be awsome ! and many more. i love u all
Amount of time I can spend in forums? i can spend up to 3-6 hours a day.
Experience in vBulletin?/Experience in MU(MuTime,how long have you played)
atm im practicing on bulletin. i play mu for 4 years
Are you a moderator or GM right now on any forum or server? i was a gm few weeks ago but server shut down :O
Other things: i like play mu specialy infinity mu lolz....
Dont be so mean say yes if no u hurt my feelings
Name: Grazvydas Stoncius
Gender: Male
Timezone: GTM (Greenwich Meant time: Dublin, Edinburg, Lisbon, London.
Languages:English & Lithuanian
Why do I think I am eligble for being /GM?
Iv been gm in several mu online servers and i know how to be one i know how to communicate with people:? I like infinity mu better then any other game. I know how to make sweet events TvT would be awsome ! and many more. i love u all
Amount of time I can spend in forums? i can spend up to 3-6 hours a day.
Experience in vBulletin?/Experience in MU(MuTime,how long have you played)
atm im practicing on bulletin. i play mu for 4 years
Are you a moderator or GM right now on any forum or server? i was a gm few weeks ago but server shut down :O
Other things: i like play mu specialy infinity mu lolz....
Dont be so mean say yes if no u hurt my feelings
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