Score: 20x19
Rules: No Shilds and No pets.
War: 2 vs 2 -> WhoShotYa (coldy) with Uber + Mr.X (Alex) with Uber vs SuperStell (Gustavo) + Heruvim (Normal Itens).
Information from:
WhoShotYa -> Fast Speed poter and small ping.
Mr.X -> Fast Speed poter and small ping.
Heruvim -> Fast speed poter and small ping.
SuperStell -> Slow potter (1 per sec) and Normal ping (I think, my ping is 200~230).
P.S: You can see at last minutes, when coldy see he will lost he take shild, so we take it too, and when he see he fail with shild too he equip Gold Pet, really you show for all how much noob you are, anyway we take it too and pwned you! laths:
Coments like ''Nice Jumps'' ''Wtf'' ''wow'' will be ignored, You can cry as you want. acman:acman:acman:
Enjoy the movie and screenshots ''Coldy'' and ''Alex''. laths: