Disconnected from the server?

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July 20th , 2014
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Hi!I have a problem.When I open the game,it loads a bit longer than usual then it says Disconnected from the server and closes itself.Cant seem to fix it.Any help?
Hai ,

You using WTFast (Game-Ping Reducer)?
Sometimes happens to me too. Some of the servers completely DCing.

If you aint using WTFast, check your internet connection otherwise ask for an assistance from Provider.
Coz for me game works Fine.

Plus(Be sure everything OKAY with you AV).
Hai ,

You using WTFast (Game-Ping Reducer)?
Sometimes happens to me too. Some of the servers completely DCing.

If you aint using WTFast, check your internet connection otherwise ask for an assistance from Provider.
Coz for me game works Fine.

Plus(Be sure everything OKAY with you AV).

Follow what Prada's saying,
or if it's not good enough try this one.
Possible solutions:

1. Run the client from the Green Icon so that it will get the latest update
+Resistant have added the "run from updater/launcher in his main.exe" most likely you will get dced if you dont run your main from green icon launcher

2. go to infinitymu folder > find main.exe > right click > select properties > Compatibility tab > ccheck "change settings for all users" when prompted just click yes, check "run program in compatability mode" > choose windows xp SP3 > check "run program as administrator" > Select Apply > Close

3. go to infinitymu folder > find mu.exe > right click > select properties > Compatibility tab > ccheck "change settings for all users" when prompted just click yes, check "run program in compatability mode" > choose windows xp SP3 > check "run program as administrator" > Select Apply > Close

4. go to infinitymu folder > find Autoupdate.exe > right click > select properties > Compatibility tab > ccheck "change settings for all users" when prompted just click yes, check "run program in compatability mode" > choose windows xp SP3 > check "run program as administrator" > Select Apply > Close

5. Google "Speed Connect Internet Accelerator" find the cracked one > Install > Apply Crack > Run as admin > ****yze Settings > Optimized Settings > Apply > Restart > play

6. Put your anti virus off or just manage exceptions in your antivirus.

*your friend DCs a lot because of either intermittent connection or just poor game connection.. most probably
Make sure you don't have any connection issues, the best if you turn off/unplug all your networking devices (router, modem) for at least 30 sec, and then start them again one by one.

If you still experience this disconnect issue, please open a command line (Start > Run > cmd.exe or Winkey+R > cmd.exe), run the following commands and post the results from it in this thread (even screenshot will do). Note that maybe it takes some minutes until these commands finish.

  • Code:
    ping -n 10 connect.infinitymu.net
  • Code:
    tracert connect.infinitymu.net
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