Discussion Discussion about CS

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April 17th , 2020
Reaction score
Argentina, Córdoba
Dear Infinites, I wanted to express my opinion here before launching into the warning and forgetting about the game for a while ...

First, the server context clearly is that there was only one alliance left with many members, coincidentally all Bans are for the entire game except Outlaw. I am not crying and they will say many offensive things, but here I am being realistic, there is no competition in the game, there are no users entering the events, only Outlaw is playing ... Suddenly new users cannot even grow with how difficult it is. Now with this new CS system they can't even attend.

If it could be that the new system alerts the players and encourages them to try it, but see what this CS was ... Only outlaw with its incredible difference in points and the rest of the alliances were stagnant.
Therefore I will tell you, this CS system is not appropriate for the server context, it is only suitable for the alliance that I am mentioning.

Thank you for this time of good game, but this is where my desire to continue trying to play on a server that no longer grows.

I have some contributions for this system, but I don't really want to continue dealing with this community, so they will see me more inactive, I'm even thinking of saying Goodbye
new update = useless hax no last sec seal ^^ dont cry sir

You mean the hacks that all your colleagues use?

Hahaha don't make me laugh, Now the new system is more convenient to use all the Hacks that are available, since they will have many killings ahead. Enjoy your CS 1 vs 1. Hope it's fun
new update = useless hax no last sec seal ^^ dont cry sir
I would not say that, or have you forgotten outlaw did multiple last minute seal?

About the new system well you guys saw the points difference, theres no comp, people were complaining about the 1v1 cause it was a boring cs “including myself” but this is even worst, now we only need to play 30minute and you will see how 1 alliance goes ahead for so many points, we dont even have to wait for 2 hours since we all know whos gonna win…and there were 3 alliance fighting, i kept my mouth shut so i can try this new system but its a crap system, i would say bye until they change this setup, congrats too outlaw on their amazing performance, good luck to all
I would not say that, or have you forgotten outlaw did multiple last minute seal?

About the new system well you guys saw the points difference, theres no comp, people were complaining about the 1v1 cause it was a boring cs “including myself” but this is even worst, now we only need to play 30minute and you will see how 1 alliance goes ahead for so many points, we dont even have to wait for 2 hours since we all know whos gonna win…and there were 3 alliance fighting, i kept my mouth shut so i can try this new system but its a crap system, i would say bye until they change this setup, congrats too outlaw on their amazing performance, good luck to all
Bye bro seeyah when I seyah take care and enjoy hehe
I would not say that, or have you forgotten outlaw did multiple last minute seal?

About the new system well you guys saw the points difference, theres no comp, people were complaining about the 1v1 cause it was a boring cs “including myself” but this is even worst, now we only need to play 30minute and you will see how 1 alliance goes ahead for so many points, we dont even have to wait for 2 hours since we all know whos gonna win…and there were 3 alliance fighting, i kept my mouth shut so i can try this new system but its a crap system, i would say bye until they change this setup, congrats too outlaw on their amazing performance, good luck to all

Come on brother outlaw guild makes last sec seal. Kohaku guild makes last sec seal. The only difference is kohaku guild has too many reasons and didn't put up a fight. Unlike outlaw win or lose fight. Kohaku only fight when they feel like they have advantage. Sad for your guild guys. Its a shame. Sad but true
Not what i asked.

its like ordering a kids menu in burger king and complaining that they don't have pokemon cards as mc donalds has in their kids menu. (for the 25 years pokemon)
Come on brother outlaw guild makes last sec seal. Kohaku guild makes last sec seal. The only difference is kohaku guild has too many reasons and didn't put up a fight. Unlike outlaw win or lose fight. Kohaku only fight when they feel like they have advantage. Sad for your guild guys. Its a shame. Sad but true

Tell me if you would play without people ... Or are they not aware that only Outlaw is online? They don't realize that they have to kill each other for fun. There are no more wars, there is no pvp, there is little hunt. I don't understand what's going on in your head. There are no more people, this is boring
Tell me if you would play without people ... Or are they not aware that only Outlaw is online? They don't realize that they have to kill each other for fun. There are no more wars, there is no pvp, there is little hunt. I don't understand what's going on in your head. There are no more people, this is boring

Goodbye Minato, please disband your guild ASAP WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Tell me if you would play without people ... Or are they not aware that only Outlaw is online? They don't realize that they have to kill each other for fun. There are no more wars, there is no pvp, there is little hunt. I don't understand what's going on in your head. There are no more people, this is boring

Brother you put the title discussion about cs. Yet you didn't t even participate in cs hahahahaha what kind of people are you? The truth is you guys only fight when you can see you have an advantage. When you see you have dis advantage you kept on complaining and reasoning in the end you forfeit and run and it is so sad that your attitude is like that. Im just stating a fact on what im have observed on you guys 🤣🤣
If cs is 1 on 1 only point system can make cs funny, because last 2 cs was like in first 5mins all make acumulation and come in end off cs for sealing . You was sealing in last minute to dont give chance Outlaws win,but our ally make seal last 8 mins (its more than enouth to seal like you sey BUT you at all didnt try seal).
About point system actually its not OUTLAWS false (we are biggest ally in the game) so you can seen us more in any kind of events.
If you want win make your ally stronger, cooperate and show your power or just cry. Like all ally seen i am just playing cs (like lot in the ally) and if we won or lose we don't cry, we continue to fight) Have a nice evening.
Hi friends,
I have attended in the CS and I saw the situation. The score difference is way too much than we expected. So we will be having CS points system only when 1 attacker registered for CS and we will be having the original CS (with last seal) if more than 1 attacker ally registered. In this case for today we shouldn't enable points system at all.

Rewards for all alliances and their efforts , read more here.
Thank you for choosing InfinityMU
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