DeathRow is a leader of alliance now. Just remind u guyz/girls my work schedule is - 1 day work/1 day home. Sometimes i will be in work at castle siege time. But i will attend in last 30 mins on work day too. Those times my friend of sister server - 100x player will pilot RedRox to do seal.
By the way, if u got any news feel free to post in this thread.
Hello friends. I would be glad to say that i am back, but i will be semi-active. DR will stay alive, we will play sieges, we will recruit any kind of people for siege, pvp, wars etc. Nice to see u everyone again.
I have to share this news with u all, I will not be able to play today. I have to take part in wedding (11.03.2017)
So my dear friend Fran a.k.a Giupa will pilot RedRox to handle Sealer/Killer job.
To all: be careful while my absence, meet in atlans server 5 before 30-40 minutes from castle siege start time, spam alliance chat to bring everyone to make party as much fast to go Castle and get ready for Defending.