Event Description : The Staff team members will hide in 3 most known maps of the MU Continent (Noria,Devias and Lorencia)
and you will need to find and slay them in order to win the prizes.
Event Mechanics : All participants will have to find and kill the staff members in the 3 maps named above.
It will be very simple since we will not use any potions.
After a staff member has been killed a global gold chat message will appear announcing who killed him/her.
Upon death, Staff members will return to game hidden at different coordinates in one of the 3 maps.
The event will go on for 30 minutes of non stop hunting and there will be no limit for IMES or Gold Credits.
Be the first to find and slay them !
Location, Date and Time of the Event : Server 3, Sunday 13th of February 2022 - Regular CS time! 4:00pm UTC+3 -Click Here-
RULES : All buffs allowed
All classes allowed
Summon is allowed
Any attempt to disrupt the event will lead to ban
If you are caught to use any bug/hack or somehow broke the main rules of the server you will be DC from the event
Staff members will change location after they get killed. They will hide in all the Major Cities of MU Continent (Noria,Devias,Lorencia)
Staff members won't use potions. Once you find them you need to slay them. However their Vitality will be doubled and they can use self/party buffs.
System for Evaluation : Each kill will bring you 1 IMES point. After the staff member dies, he/she
will keep a record (with screenshots preferably) of the killers and add the prizes accordingly. Moderator prizes will be added by Head Event Master on her own scoreboard.
Full list of winners will be updated in this thread after the event is finished.
Prize(s) : 100 Gold Credits + 1 IMES
For each kill made on any staff member!!
Peaceful was our kingdom for over 100 years, and prosperity was all over the world, without danger or fear. The continent of our Kingdom, Lorencia , was full of life with various salesman all over the place, the Farmers of Noria were peacefully growing their crops while the great Hunters of Devias were hunting into the cold and snow. But war is upon us once again, as the tyrannic devils from the deeps of hell will rise once again to spread fear and death in our kingdom. Creatures with teeth like blades, claws like spears, skin as hard as steel. The Dragons arrived! They were summoned on the 3 biggest cities of our kingdom and tried to spread death, but not all hope was lost. For numerous Dragon Hunters arrived in the cities and attacked the Dragons, slaying them one by one for the good of our Kingdom!