Type it like the other text and you'll see gesture:
^^ or Haha - Laugh
; or Sorry - Head scratch
-_- or Cry or Sad - Cross arms
Great or beat it - Raises both arms
Bye - Wave
Cold or hurts - Rubs arms
Come - Beckon someone
T_T - Self explanatory
Defeated - Doesn't work
Never - "No" gesture
Wow or Good or Nice - Clap
Hello or Thanks - Bow (greeting)
OK - Arm pump
Respect - Kneel
Rush - Lead your men forward
Sir - Salute
That - Points
Victory or Win - Victory pose
Left Mouse Button: Move, Attack, Lean, or Sit-down options
Right Mouse Button: Use spells or skills
[Ctrl] + Mouse Button: PK Attack
F1: Help
F2: Dialogue toggle
F3: Toggle whispering on chat mode
F4: Adjust chatting window size
F5: Toggles Mussenger chatting window when receiving incoming message
F6: Hides Mussenger chatting window
Enter: Open chatting window
G: Guild window
P: Party window
D: Automatic Commands
M or /Move: Move between maps or worlds
C: Character statistics
I or V: Inventory
Q: Default shortcut key for healing items
W: Default shortcut key for mana recovery items
E: Default shortcut key for curing (antidote) items
F: Toggles Mussenger
Shift: Hold character in position
[Ctrl] + Number: Bind Spells/Skills to #1-#9
Number #1-9: Select bound Skill/Spell
[Alt]: Display item names on floor
[Alt] + Left Mouse Button: Individual selection of items on floor
Spacebar: Automatic pickup items on floor
Print Screen: Screen capture /Take Screenshot
Command List
This is a window that is brought up by pressing "D" on the keyboard. It is an alternate way of using commands without typing /. Just left click on command choice then right click on the player you wish to use it on.
/Party: To set up a party
/Guild: To join a guild
/Trade: To start a trade
/Request : Declines or accepts any request
/Duel: Begins/Ends a duel with opposing player
/: View item information (case sensitive), F1 toggles window off
Setting up a macros is like using Hot Keys. The player can set a sentence or command to any digit (0-9). To set the Macro the player must type "/ '#' " into the chat box, followed by its sentence or command.
"/1//warp lorencia", now the warp to Lorencia command is set to the number 1 macro.
To activate the Macro all the player must do is press ALT + the number the macro was set to.
In the previous case ALT +1 would warp the player to Lorencia.
Lorencia locations:
135,127: Town Center
147,143: Warehouse (1)
147,109: Warehouse (2)
215,243: Noria entrance (level 10)
9,40: Davias entrance (level 15)
123,228: Dungeon entrance (level 20)
65,129: Alex (Shop)
184,136: Peddler (1) (Shop)
8,144: Peddler (2) (Shop)
127,85: Potion Girl (Shop)
125,133: Liaman the Barmaid (Shop)
119,113: Pasi the Wizard (Shop)
118,140: Hans the Blacksmith (Shop)
76,144: Safe House
Noria locations:
196,123: Craftsman (Elf weapons)
173,124: Elf Lala (Armor and pots)
173,95: Warehouse
180,102: Goblin Chaos Machine (combine items)
149,8: Lorencia entrance (level 10)
240,242: Atlans entrance (level 70)
Davias locations:
215,47: Guild Master (level 100)
219,61: Warehouse
188,48: Weapon Merchant
228,24: Barmaid
227,40: Wizard (pots and spells)
9,77: Merchant
10,26: Castle (1)
225,237: Castle (2)
4, 247: Lost Tower entrance
Atlans locations:
14,12: Gate to Noria
16,226: Gate to Tarkan
Dungeon locations:
109,243: Dungeon (Entrance)
232,124: Dungeon 2 (Entrance)
4,84: Dungeon 3 (Entrance 1)
29,125: Dungeon 3 (Exit to Dungeon 2)
Lost Tower locations:
209,78: Lobby(safe zone)
163,3: Lost Tower Entrance
243,238: Lost Tower 2
88,167: Lost Tower 3
87,87: Lost Tower 4
130,54: Lost Tower 5
54,54: Lost Tower 6
7,86: Lost Tower 7
Chat Functions
~: sends party message
@: sends guild message
@>: sends guild notice (Guild Leader Only)
Page UP and Page DOWN: scrolls through messages
TAB: Toggles between Chat box and ID box
Right Click on Message: Obtains Whisper ID
Type it like the other text and you'll see gesture:
^^ or Haha - Laugh
; or Sorry - Head scratch
-_- or Cry or Sad - Cross arms
Great or beat it - Raises both arms
Bye - Wave
Cold or hurts - Rubs arms
Come - Beckon someone
T_T - Self explanatory
Defeated - Doesn't work
Never - "No" gesture
Wow or Good or Nice - Clap
Hello or Thanks - Bow (greeting)
OK - Arm pump
Respect - Kneel
Rush - Lead your men forward
Sir - Salute
That - Points
Victory or Win - Victory pose
Left Mouse Button: Move, Attack, Lean, or Sit-down options
Right Mouse Button: Use spells or skills
[Ctrl] + Mouse Button: PK Attack
F1: Help
F2: Dialogue toggle
F3: Toggle whispering on chat mode
F4: Adjust chatting window size
F5: Toggles Mussenger chatting window when receiving incoming message
F6: Hides Mussenger chatting window
Enter: Open chatting window
G: Guild window
P: Party window
D: Automatic Commands
M or /Move: Move between maps or worlds
C: Character statistics
I or V: Inventory
Q: Default shortcut key for healing items
W: Default shortcut key for mana recovery items
E: Default shortcut key for curing (antidote) items
F: Toggles Mussenger
Shift: Hold character in position
[Ctrl] + Number: Bind Spells/Skills to #1-#9
Number #1-9: Select bound Skill/Spell
[Alt]: Display item names on floor
[Alt] + Left Mouse Button: Individual selection of items on floor
Spacebar: Automatic pickup items on floor
Print Screen: Screen capture /Take Screenshot
Command List
This is a window that is brought up by pressing "D" on the keyboard. It is an alternate way of using commands without typing /. Just left click on command choice then right click on the player you wish to use it on.
/Party: To set up a party
/Guild: To join a guild
/Trade: To start a trade
/Request : Declines or accepts any request
/Duel: Begins/Ends a duel with opposing player
/: View item information (case sensitive), F1 toggles window off
Setting up a macros is like using Hot Keys. The player can set a sentence or command to any digit (0-9). To set the Macro the player must type "/ '#' " into the chat box, followed by its sentence or command.
"/1//warp lorencia", now the warp to Lorencia command is set to the number 1 macro.
To activate the Macro all the player must do is press ALT + the number the macro was set to.
In the previous case ALT +1 would warp the player to Lorencia.
Lorencia locations:
135,127: Town Center
147,143: Warehouse (1)
147,109: Warehouse (2)
215,243: Noria entrance (level 10)
9,40: Davias entrance (level 15)
123,228: Dungeon entrance (level 20)
65,129: Alex (Shop)
184,136: Peddler (1) (Shop)
8,144: Peddler (2) (Shop)
127,85: Potion Girl (Shop)
125,133: Liaman the Barmaid (Shop)
119,113: Pasi the Wizard (Shop)
118,140: Hans the Blacksmith (Shop)
76,144: Safe House
Noria locations:
196,123: Craftsman (Elf weapons)
173,124: Elf Lala (Armor and pots)
173,95: Warehouse
180,102: Goblin Chaos Machine (combine items)
149,8: Lorencia entrance (level 10)
240,242: Atlans entrance (level 70)
Davias locations:
215,47: Guild Master (level 100)
219,61: Warehouse
188,48: Weapon Merchant
228,24: Barmaid
227,40: Wizard (pots and spells)
9,77: Merchant
10,26: Castle (1)
225,237: Castle (2)
4, 247: Lost Tower entrance
Atlans locations:
14,12: Gate to Noria
16,226: Gate to Tarkan
Dungeon locations:
109,243: Dungeon (Entrance)
232,124: Dungeon 2 (Entrance)
4,84: Dungeon 3 (Entrance 1)
29,125: Dungeon 3 (Exit to Dungeon 2)
Lost Tower locations:
209,78: Lobby(safe zone)
163,3: Lost Tower Entrance
243,238: Lost Tower 2
88,167: Lost Tower 3
87,87: Lost Tower 4
130,54: Lost Tower 5
54,54: Lost Tower 6
7,86: Lost Tower 7
Chat Functions
~: sends party message
@: sends guild message
@>: sends guild notice (Guild Leader Only)
Page UP and Page DOWN: scrolls through messages
TAB: Toggles between Chat box and ID box
Right Click on Message: Obtains Whisper ID