[Event] Infinity MU Pictures

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Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
Reaction score
Infinity MU Pictures
Infinitians Forever Episode



  • Make a video about Infinity Mu using ONLY pictures and screenshots you made In-game.
  • Make sure to include best pictures.
  • Quality pictures, make sure they are in full resolution.
  • Effects, if you can mix out some effects with the pictures it will be awesome.
  • The music must be choosen by you. We recommend this one here http://forum.infinitymu.net/files/Guru_Josh_Project_-_Infinity.mp3

  • Upload videos only to youtube, if you don't know how to upload there just give a link for download in your post. You can upload it from here (by click here).
  • Make sure the video title is "Infinity MU Online Season 3 - www.infinitymu.net".
  • Make sure you have added our url "www.infinitymu.net" at the end of your video.

Prizes and Terms:

  • Only 1 winner will be choosen.
  • The period for this event is from 11-08-2015 to UNDETERMINED.
  • We will close the event once we have enough challenges.
  • On posting post only video link for preview.

What's the reason to participate?

  • The winner's video will be added to our home page http://www.infinitymu.net/ therefore your video will be popular.
  • The prizes will be substantial, they will be great so don't worry! This including WS credits & best items in-game by your own choice (including uber set by choice).

What program can I use to edit my video?

Whatever you choose BUT
We suggest and recommend for video editing - Ulead Video Studio for newbies and Sony Vegas for advanced.
And of course for screenshots / pictures editing (if you thinking add some effects which is optional) - Adobe PhotoShop.

Good Luck to all,
Infinity Mu Administration

Hi! I made a simple entry for this ;) But unfortunately, my laptop got broken (the laptop that i've been using ever since i started playing infinity) and most of my cool screenshots are there. I still managed to make a 3 minute video, same length with the suggested song. Anyways hope you guys enjoy watching ;) This event really made me feel nostalgic, I especially missed the events that i host.
IGN: Moorse
  • Make sure you have added our url "www.infinitymu.net" at the end of your video.
I'm really sorry for not being able to do this. I'm really willing to edit the final text but I already rendered the video and uploaded it at youtube without noticing that i missed this :c. Re-uploading would take lots of time and i really need my internet power now ;) I didn't use leawo to make the upload faster because if you look closer, some of the quality still goes away. Sorry :c
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Hello !

Here is my entry. I also included some "old memories" from other users around the forums so get a tissue and whipe your tears :nuhnuh:
IGN : DR3AMS / iAbyss / Xtasya

Enjoy and don't forget to :plaths:
May I ask if this event is still on going ? :) <3
The period for this event is from 11-08-2015 to UNDETERMINED

I will just close it but the event is undetermined
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