[Event Master Application] EternalEnvy

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Wet Dreamz
March 10th , 2017
Reaction score
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Facts 'bout me:
Name: Fred L. Castro III
Age: 21
Nationality: Filipino
Living at: British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
GMT -7:00
Occupation: Line Cook

My MU Experience & my Story:

I have been playing this game since 2008? I really can't recall anymore. Anyways, let me get started. I've known MU Infinity at it's early days, that was around 2009-2011? I was a Game Master here,
I believe my name was BKbones or Bones. I got so addicted to this game that me and my brother tried to make our own server, we even asked RESiSTANT to assist us on some things, but that was just me being ambitious, we were able to make it, but we couldn't manage or run it due to our lack of knowledge(me&mybro)and the slow internet speed we had. That was years ago and I only have little memories left of what I did back then. We didn't have a lot of GMs or Mods, EMs didnt even exist that time yet. I did a lot of Events and was active 7 days a week(Still am). I left and went back Feb 2015. I have been ON and OFF on MU because I was very busy at school because I used to take Occupational Therapy, which is one of the hardest Medical Courses there is. Time passed, me and my family migrated here at BC, Vancouver, CA. I did warehouse jobs, but transferred to a restaurant where I am a Line Cook. I am planning to go back to school sometime next year(2018) to pursue my course. Enough of that, I recently decided to be more active with this game again because I miss it so much and you guys have my full commitment to it.


-To pursue my love for doing events.
-To learn from our current EMs on how do they things.
-To be active both in Game and Forum.
-To bring more excitement on events.(Not saying our current is boring)
-To be a role model.
-To be always be there to assist the staff/mods.
-To promote positivity.


You will probably ask me about my status here before, I will be able to answer some of it for I don't remember most of it anymore.(PM me if you want to know). I know I have a little chance of being accepted as an EM, but I will let you guys decide on what's good for me. Whatever the outcome of this application, I will accept it and move on. But you guys are gonna see me again with another application.(not right away tho) HAHA :) I understand that we have a lot of EMs now, but please consider and give me a chance to prove myself. I also noticed that there is a shortage of EMs
In my timezone

Availability: GMT -7:00
Sunday-Monday: 2pm to 6/7pm
Tuesday-Saturday: 11pm to 5am

Respectfully yours,
IG name: EternalEnvy

P.S - If i ever get accepted, if I may change may IG name to Dreamville, that'd be appreciated

Good day and God speed!
Long Live Infinity MU!

"Kindly refrain from posting in this thread unless its for suggestions or objections. I do not wish to see spam, or
unwanted posts, despite the fact that they may mean well. You can thank me through Visitor Messaging or thx button.
Lets keep this thread clean. Yes, "good job bro" or things along those lines are spam."
Last edited:
Your application looks good but I didn't see any helpful threads from you even in-game but good luck in your application.. /Cheers

Facts 'bout me:
Name: Fred L. Castro III
Age: 21
Nationality: Filipino
Living at: British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
GMT -7:00
Occupation: Line Cook

My MU Experience & my Story:

I have been playing this game since 2008? I really can't recall anymore. Anyways, let me get started. I've known MU Infinity at it's early days, that was around 2009-2011? I was a Game Master here,
I believe my name was BKbones or Bones. I got so addicted to this game that me and my brother tried to make our own server, we even asked RESiSTANT to assist us on some things, but that was just me being ambitious, we were able to make it, but we couldn't manage or run it due to our lack of knowledge(me&mybro)and the slow internet speed we had. That was years ago and I only have little memories left of what I did back then. We didn't have a lot of GMs or Mods, EMs didnt even exist that time yet. I did a lot of Events and was active 7 days a week(Still am). I left and went back Feb 2015. I have been ON and OFF on MU because I was very busy at school because I used to take Occupational Therapy, which is one of the hardest Medical Courses there is. Time passed, me and my family migrated here at BC, Vancouver, CA. I did warehouse jobs, but transferred to a restaurant where I am a Line Cook. I am planning to go back to school sometime next year(2018) to pursue my course. Enough of that, I recently decided to be more active with this game again because I miss it so much and you guys have my full commitment to it.


-To pursue my love for doing events.
-To learn from our current EMs on how do they things.
-To be active both in Game and Forum.
-To bring more excitement on events.(Not saying our current is boring)
-To be a role model.
-To be always be there to assist the staff/mods.
-To promote positivity.


You will probably ask me about my status here before, I will be able to answer some of it for I don't remember most of it anymore.(PM me if you want to know). I know I have a little chance of being accepted as an EM, but I will let you guys decide on what's good for me. Whatever the outcome of this application, I will accept it and move on. But you guys are gonna see me again with another application.(not right away tho) HAHA :) I understand that we have a lot of EMs now, but please consider and give me a chance to prove myself. I also noticed that there is a shortage of EMs
In my timezone

Availability: GMT -7:00
Sunday-Monday: 2pm to 6/7pm
Tuesday-Saturday: 11pm to 5am

Respectfully yours,
IG name: EternalEnvy

P.S - If i ever get accepted, if I may change may IG name to Dreamville, that'd be appreciated

Good day and God speed!
Long Live Infinity MU!

"Kindly refrain from posting in this thread unless its for suggestions or objections. I do not wish to see spam, or
unwanted posts, despite the fact that they may mean well. You can thank me through Visitor Messaging or thx button.
Lets keep this thread clean. Yes, "good job bro" or things along those lines are spam."

PLS READ THIS ---> https://forum.infinitymu.net/showthread.php?9899-Truism-lt-Read-it-before-you-post

Sorry brother but your not following the rules. and its a negative quality so goodluck to you in future. but no for me.
Anser this:

Who are you ?
who was HGM from 2010-2011
who was hgm from 2009-2010
How many admins did we got in 2011

Then again who are you ????
what was your previous Forum account.
Having 2 Forum accounts is against the rules.

Telling lies can kill you.

and what was officer, Gm, HGM, Admin, President, TGM,

Anser this :)
Well, dont even think that there aren't guys from that era. If you were someone popular or even a single GM, there is no way that i cant recognize you. So stop Lying at first.

Anyways community changed, no one knows you and you thought that you will come and write some drama stories about the past and will immidetly be accepted? Hell no :-)
Hello..! A little advice from me, how about do some helpful stuff here in forum and also in-game.. Applying an EM position is very easy but to gain the position is difficult coz it really require a lot of trust.. So, make yourself be more popular and prove yourself Trustworthy of the position that you desire .. It's a NO for me as of now..
doesn't metter what i think about ya or your application (even i dont know who you're,really have not seen any activity from your side) you won't be accepted for sure,due the rules that our former HGM HARREN has presented for applying on EM Job.you just registered here a week ago
HARREN said:
Registered at forum 3+ Months
Active in helping players Ingame/Forum

Anyways good luck.
You are unknown.
You are sending me a pm to read your application and consider you?
Your post count is low
Your old forum account does not concern us.This account is new. So it doesn't matter,we check by accounts,not by words.

4 points are enough for a NO.
Follow truism thread. Its clear you did not read it carefuly.
/Denied & closed
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