(aloha) I'mma try to take this chance to apply for Event Master, I said to my friends, That I'm not going to apply to any Staff position, because it's impossible. But hey? This worth a shot.
Personal Information
Name: Dranoel John R. Del Valle
Nickname: DJ / Jay / Chips
Age: 22 years old.
Nationality: Fil-am, Half Filipino, Half Amazing.
Country: Philippines
Language: Tagalog, English.
In-Game Names: Yeezus! , KanyeWest., SaintPablo, BLCKSKNHD, Chipoy
Interests and Hobbies
*~ I love to go out and watch movies with fellas.
*~ Watch anime alone, with food with me.
*~ Drinking all night with my fellas, Beer pong.
*~ I love to write songs, I rap, and I sing.
*~ and of course Playing InfinityMU all day. (Because I got not job right now.)
Any experience handling positions? To other servers
Yes. But there's one MU server that I'm one of the GM, but the server closes after 2 months. But hey, I learned a lot within that 2 months being a GM. Commands, and stuffs. So I'm pretty confident that I can handle this position.
The Reason Why I apply to this position.
I just want to give it a chance. I just want to help ya guys to make an awesome events, socialize with other players, and most of all, help players who got problems in game. And also, I've been playing like, 4 years? So why not give it a shot.
What can I promise when I become Event Master?
1.) Ofc, Awesome events.
2.) I'll be be active. (When I'm in my moms I usually go online 10am to 2am., But with my aunt's house imma be on from 9pm to 6am.)
3.) Imma be the Coolest EM you'll ever see.
4.) and I'll take this resposibility 100% When I become an Event Master. And I'm not Joking. ;D
Best Regards,
Personal Information
Name: Dranoel John R. Del Valle
Nickname: DJ / Jay / Chips
Age: 22 years old.
Nationality: Fil-am, Half Filipino, Half Amazing.

Country: Philippines
Language: Tagalog, English.
In-Game Names: Yeezus! , KanyeWest., SaintPablo, BLCKSKNHD, Chipoy
Interests and Hobbies
*~ I love to go out and watch movies with fellas.
*~ Watch anime alone, with food with me.
*~ Drinking all night with my fellas, Beer pong.
*~ I love to write songs, I rap, and I sing.
*~ and of course Playing InfinityMU all day. (Because I got not job right now.)
Any experience handling positions? To other servers
Yes. But there's one MU server that I'm one of the GM, but the server closes after 2 months. But hey, I learned a lot within that 2 months being a GM. Commands, and stuffs. So I'm pretty confident that I can handle this position.

The Reason Why I apply to this position.
I just want to give it a chance. I just want to help ya guys to make an awesome events, socialize with other players, and most of all, help players who got problems in game. And also, I've been playing like, 4 years? So why not give it a shot.
What can I promise when I become Event Master?
1.) Ofc, Awesome events.

2.) I'll be be active. (When I'm in my moms I usually go online 10am to 2am., But with my aunt's house imma be on from 9pm to 6am.)
3.) Imma be the Coolest EM you'll ever see.

4.) and I'll take this resposibility 100% When I become an Event Master. And I'm not Joking. ;D
Kindly refrain from posting in this thread unless its for suggestions or objections. I do not wish to see spam, or unwanted posts, despite the fact that they may mean well. You can thank me through Visitor Messaging or thx button. Lets keep this thread clean. Yes, "good job bro" or things along those lines are spam.
Best Regards,