Hello , I'd like to make ingame event more atractive(Blood castle , Devil square , Illusion temple , Kanturu event , Chaos Chastel etc.) and for exemple : - When you finish Blood Castle event make better prizes (exc: 10 BOK+5 / 10 anccient items) , on devil square at laste 5 min spawn 5-10 Kundums , Illusion temple : 5-10 % chance to get an Gpet , Kanturu event when you finish quest and kill the BoSS random good items (s4 +3 op for exemple) , and some atractive prize for CC ! all this things will improve activiti for all players , will be more atractiv and more fun ! I hope RESISTANT read this and try to replay if i'm wrong !
Pace and love for all Infinity MU players !!!! Don't forget to VOT !!
Pace and love for all Infinity MU players !!!! Don't forget to VOT !!