LOL Sirnite obviously roberttan,miggydb and oyelman are new member here,then they direct spam the threads to win the prize of that event..
Look >>
I speak to Cursii and ask about this case,he said banned him so i did..
If im wrong tell me..feel free to post ur opinion..
Open ur eyes guys..
And if miggydb is miguel,wer is roberttan and oyelman?? WTF. i think miguel will make another account again and 100% sure he says "its me robberttan or its me oyelman we are here in net cafe bla bla bla..
I know its obvious, but i didn't ask you about them.
My question is " WHY DONT YOU BAN THEM? "
As i said there are the same IP's, Insulting,harassing and more cases we need to put at them.
You give them more warnings but still the same.
Then give me link that they are harassing and insulting.. or u want me to be demoted??
Dont spam this thread..lets speak about this case in staff section.tnx.