I would like to become a Game Master and share my knowledge.
- Name & IGN: real name + main character: Ian Rivera, *[Demon]*
- Guild: (if any) : I'm currently all around BANDlTS alliance, but my original guild is Miracles.
- Age: 28
- Gender: Prefer not to say.
- Country + Timezone: the country you live in and its timezone : United States, Puerto Rico, Time zone in Puerto Rico (GMT-4)
- Discord ID: Iaan#3516
- Languages: mention your level of fluency for each. Fluent English and Advance Spanish.
- Ban history: In-Game I only have 1 ban for playing as Fake Character during Castle Siege event, on Forum i have a couples for discussing about illegal hacks/reports on SB.https://forum.infinitymu.net/threads/the-demon.130990/ https://forum.infinitymu.net/threads/the-demon.130990/ https://forum.infinitymu.net/threads/the-demon.129265/ https://forum.infinitymu.net/threads/the-demon-violamania.128973/ https://forum.infinitymu.net/threads/thedemon-siredgar.124000/
- Previous Staff Applications: (add links): None
- Experience on InfinityMU: 2 Years.
- Availability during a regular week: think of your work / school schedule, only add certain availability: I currently work at the airport, so my schedule changes every 2-3 months, but i am a well known active player, and can be online 2-3 hours everyday in-game, on forum or discord I'm mostly easy to reach anytime you like.
- What are your biggest weaknesses?: biggest weaknesses is if I see something wrong and not addressing it correctly i get easily frustrated.
- What are your biggest strengths?: Communicating and sharing my thoughts to the team, finding whatever is necessary to help and provide to the team.
- Why should we hire you?: There's nothing wrong with having extra eyes and brains to help on the team on whatever issue may present itself, I will be there to make my 100% effort on helping the team, and I can easily help latinos without the need of google translate.
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