(GameMaster Application) by 19RaZoR68

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New member
April 19th , 2011
Reaction score
*Name: Jimboy Bautista

*Ingame Name: 19RaZoR68

*Location: Philippines

*Language: English and Tagalog

*Age: 25

*GMT or Time Zone:
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +8 hours. No daylight saving time in 2011.

*Why I do wanna be a Game Master?
I would to be a GameMaster on this good server because of...
i have played in this server, but the server lacks of events
Hide and Seek (players will seek for me in location i will post, the
first one to see me will win),
collect, bring and trade, and many more events to make Players be so
happy (winners will get an exce item, from ******** server of course),
in return for these events they must vote
for ShadowsMU at the site


i would like to create a simple rule for those who scam people around,
most people put their time on playing InfinityMU to
gather Special Items
but what scammers do are so Unfair, i think this time someone should do
something regarding this matter.
Believe me i'm gonna make the people happy on your server.
Being a Gm is not about making events... it is like a job that needs priority as well, and being a gm requires Time, Talent, Smart thinking, and most of all being helpful (except giving away items, unless they won an event or something)
to show my ability being a gamemaster as i did to my own website and meet a lot friends as MU shows why we are all connected in one server. lastly, to help characters about problems that they cant figure out (except in rules given).

I've been a GM for about 8 times on many servers, but i wont tell them for it may cause advertising and its against the rules.

*How Much Time Can I spend on Forums and Ingame?
I am online daily. i have lots of free time.

*Are you a GM or Moderator right now?
Nope. i am free.

*Other things about me
1) The only online game i am playing is MU, so there will be no interference from other online games.
2) I love helping people, it is my fashion.

That would be all!

Thank you so much.
LOL, You didn't read the truism did you?

Read the truism and re-apply when you can/are ready.

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