Wanna share a video how I play and for new combo master tag
Gameplay video
Hand movement video with 3 finger pot, people can use it as a guide.
For those who have mechanical/gaming keyboard you can hold number 2 key to make it go back using twsting slash skill as in gameplay video I show above. Normal cheap keyboard won't let user to hold 3 key+ at same time, it will not respond, so by pressing 2+w at same time you get extra pot rate.
Gameplay video
Hand movement video with 3 finger pot, people can use it as a guide.
For those who have mechanical/gaming keyboard you can hold number 2 key to make it go back using twsting slash skill as in gameplay video I show above. Normal cheap keyboard won't let user to hold 3 key+ at same time, it will not respond, so by pressing 2+w at same time you get extra pot rate.