Banned Acc of Char -General.

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May 17th , 2015
Reaction score
Lorencia 78 153
Character involved: -General.

Reason: Disturbing EM events, Insulting via /post, Disrespect toward Staff, Accusing staff for corruption.

Duration: 15 Days Overal


1)Disturbing events:

You joined PK Events, and once you were asked to move in the middle, you refused and delayed the event. Also i included some of the user's chats to show that you actually brought discomfort on them during the event.

[20:54:10][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [Cant start?While im in the side?]

[20:54:20][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [BRUXARIA] Command [get ur ass in the center]

[20:54:38][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [I WANT SIDE PLACE CAN?]

[20:54:55][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [Analytica] Command [kick him out ]

[20:54:56][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [Varamyr] Command [i can understand you are drunk]

[20:55:03][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [Varamyr] Command [if you want you can leave]

[20:55:12][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [NOOOOO]

[20:55:13][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [Varamyr] Command [otherwise get back in line]

[20:55:25][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [BUT I WANT SIDE STEP]

[20:55:40][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [I WANT HERE]

[20:55:54][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post WHY YOU WARP ME OUT?]

As you can see, even the players that were on PK events, were asking Varamyr to move you out. That’s how much annoying you were for everyone. Also, after I arrived in s3 to deal with you, you start saying lies about “you wanted to swell” or “you have lag”. Empty lies. The chat logs above and below are clear.

Your lies after some time can be seen here:

[21:25:28][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post I WANT IN THE MIDLE RIGHT?]

[21:25:35][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post IM JUST HAVING SWELL ]

[21:25:43][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post When you warp me out]

[21:25:58][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post tell me]

[21:26:12][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post HOw can i fight without my own BUFF?]

[21:26:37][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post IM TOO LAGGG]

While you have been asked to go to the middle, you kept saying “I want side place can?” and stuff like that. While later you sayed you were just swelling.

2)Insulting via /post:

After you got warped out, you start posting nonsense, blaming EM Varamyr for “Unfairness”, or that you will report him, and ofc players start to react with you and you start insulting them.

[21:49:12][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post SHUT UP FATAL OKAY]

Here Fatal is repeating your sentence during the event(before you get warped out) and here is your reply to him:

[21:58:06][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [FatalFemme] Command [/post "cAnT I sTaY oN tHe SiDe?"]

[21:58:09][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post SHUT UP FATAL]

3)Staff Disrespect:

[20:57:38][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post you such a very BAD EM]

[20:57:55][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post YOU KNOW THAT VARAMYR?]

[20:58:57][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post HOW COME YOU BECOME EM?]

[21:02:19][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post DONT JOIN EVENT VARAMYR IS UNFAIR EM]

[21:03:30][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post Your crazy you know that?]

[21:08:10][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post VARAMYR IS UNFAIR EM GUUUYS HERE ME ]

[21:10:29][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post Cant take it varamyr?]

[21:10:41][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post That everyone will know]

[21:10:55][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post That you are sooo UNFAIR]

[21:20:29][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post Poor KID DC ME AGAIN AHAHAHA]

4)Accusing Staff for corruption:
I have also added user's posts so it can be seen that you actually brought discomfort to players during the events.

[20:58:11][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post ITS CHRISMAS YOU KILL OUR JOY]

[20:58:26][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [BRUXARIA] Command [/post he killed your joy, coz no one else was ]

[20:58:29][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [BRUXARIA] Command [/post enjoying it]

[20:58:27][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post NO VARAMYR HATE OUTLAW?]

[20:58:35][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post OR YOU HATE ME ?]

Also this was toward me, accusing me of being "one sided":

Last but not least, for my own Pleasure :D

[21:31:18][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post Report me?And i will get banned?]

[21:31:33][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post AHAHA FUNNY ONE HA HA HA HA HA]

[21:35:35][INFO] Account : [****] Name : [-General.] Command [/post THats all you can dooo Varamyt and Ezio?]

Get some rest, and we can talk again when you are sober.
We explained you why you were kicked, yet you kept blaming others.
Enjoy you vacations. And think twice next time you want to disturb our events.

Safety and Peace!
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