Guide Hack Detections

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I think, therefore I am.
December 29th , 2010
Reaction score
Hello dear Infinity Players,

At this guide i'm going to explain you in detail the different ways to detect the different hacks.
If you're not sure about some hack cases, you can always watch at this thread for a help.

Starting with :

Auto Pots / Auto Combo :

Example ->

Explantion : Auto Pots / Auto Combo can be used in different ways. By an hack program, a simple recorded
script or other key recording tools. In the process the sequence doesn't play a role, the modifications can be set randomly, different like just
ew, q or in a equally line qwe as the coder wish.

How to detect it? : You might detect it in the best way, by the typed word / sentence between the potting letters (q,w & e).
Above you can see a simple example, he wrote GO the AP was running.

Speed Hack :

Example ->

Explantion : Speed Hack is a known hack in every game of the world, so you might know the sense as the name says.
The people has to use a anti hack guard bypass to use it since the most are blocked already, usally speed hacks are coded
in programs.

How to detect it? : Speed Hack used mostly to receive hits already before the opponent is in your range, logical if everything is
faster in his screen as yours. But there are alot of more signs, speed hack has an equal effect of the hit rows like bmd they are just closer
in a row. The dmg is mostly very high and the speed hack user is "jumping" from a - b because of his speed.
But the probably most conspicious characteristic is the turing / watching around speed when moving the cusor, he usally do it alot faster as normal
and you can simply detect it.


Example ->

Explantion : player.bmd is a edited muonline Data file and the use to ignore the flinch of the incoming ref damage when
attacking the opponent.

How to detect it? : BMD has the same effect as ur were using the yellow option sd perc. rise at your full equiptment.
Let the bmd user simply attack you and watch at the hit rows, and if he get flinched. After a few kills be sure you were using
an SD dec sword to make sure he did not use really SD in his set. Or simply check if the opponent has 0 or miss letters in his reflect
damage, if yes he was using SD. If you're attacking the BMD user you will see him flinch don't wonder, bmd ignores only the users flinch / reflect damage, not
the pendular reflect damage YOU have gave him with your hits.

Hit Count Hack :

Example ->

Explantion : Hit Count Hack increase the number of hit rows same as speed hack in a very high row, mostly you just simply
see a few hit rows on each other or very close.

How to detect it? : Said above, and very fast impossible kills.

Chat Hack :

Example -> -can't show because of advertising- just imagine it.

Explantion : The use of Chat Hack is to talk over another person, and do whatever.

How to detect it? : Simply, chat hack doesn't appear at the chat window and you will detect it just at the said words
above the victims head .

DC Hack :

Example -> just imagine a disconnect from the server message.

Explantion : Dc hack is able to DC single or a couple of poeple togheter.

How to detect it : Dc Hackers mostly use a low level account to not risk them main one
if they get caughet. So watch out for noob chars or even main chars, simply be the first one who log in
use another char and move close to the map the DC hacker is using it, use the 3D cam to scroll out and
watch whos the last person at the map. Move close to him till you get a DC and dont forget to take screenshots
or a video.

Thanks for reading,

InfinityMu HGM Nic
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A Heart Breaker !
June 30th , 2014
Reaction score
All links have been fixed !

Kindly, check the examples in the first post for successful hacks detection and valid reports.
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