hacked profile(3 time)

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August 18th , 2011
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[14-12, 07:49] kalatamu: i dont want credits now only a banned profile so he can see what is to lose your aka
[14-12, 07:48] kalatamu: understand now?
[14-12, 07:48] kalatamu: thing
[14-12, 07:47] kalatamu: thats why i things its him
[14-12, 07:47] kalatamu: i know ots him beacuse ha hacker mine facebook aka then gived me the pass i dont know how he did it .i didnt gave my pass it was ******************** long
[14-12, 07:45] kalatamu: monkatamu
[14-12, 07:45] kalatamu: the only thing i want the admins to do is to ban monakatamu
[14-12, 07:43] kalatamu: one day.......i tried to make the 2 gr but someone was in my profile .i did it after minutes and in the next day the charesters were deleted
[14-12, 07:42] [$]-MONEY-: dont understand
[14-12, 07:42] kalatamu: i never gived my password
[14-12, 07:41] kalatamu: xD
[14-12, 07:41] kalatamu: welll...........................you sat that adding him to friends list is giving an acaunt
[14-12, 07:40] [$]-MONEY-: now u can talk all u want, i dont know this is true or not xD
[14-12, 07:40] [$]-MONEY-: u got hack cuz u gave ur account to someone and this is ur problem
[14-12, 07:39] kalatamu: well the profile yes but password no xD
[14-12, 07:39] kalatamu: i didnt gave it
[14-12, 07:39] [$]-MONEY-: never give anyone ur account
[14-12, 07:39] [$]-MONEY-: we got a gold rule
[14-12, 07:38] kalatamu: like mine were deleted
[14-12, 07:38] kalatamu: ssss i played other games and my aka was hacked there too i know its not fare i want his charesters to be deleted too thats in the chat please admins deside(ban monkatamu or not)goodbue and do your work

admins deside ban him or not

some of you know my problem from the 1 and 2 time i post a question what to do .If you dont ban monkatamu its not a problem for me.
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April 26th , 2010
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Ashdod, Israel
can't hack the database....did you shared your account?
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