2. Client simply close upon starting without even reaching the loading screen / opening the mu window.
Reasons : Debugger is present, DEP (Data Execution Prevention) is set to all programs and mu client is started with limited user.
Solutions : Close all debuggers before starting client, set DEP for essential windows programs only (system properties > Advance Tab > Performance Setting Button > Data Execution Prevention Tab) and run mu client with admin level (run as Admin in Vista/Win7).
How do i get to my system properties? I have the problem, that i open my mu, press connect and nothing happens, tried reinstalling, added all files to exeption list, tried launching from the updater and just main. And i cant disable my avg, lol. Cant find where. though it hasn't blocked anything because i switched some of the scanners off. Also no logs show that something is blocked. Tried CCleaner and avg scan. now dling nod1) Download CCleaner it will clean all cookies and cache sometimes it solves the issue -
2) Add mu.exe,main.exe and llsc.exe to exceptions on your Anti-Virus and Firewall
3) Try run the game in different compatibility modes,simply right click on the game's shortcut on the desktop, Properties > Compatibility
Try that options. This was i said earlier.I believe your computer is at risk. You got virus/malware in it. Since main.exe crashes some process auto injects to main.exe while you are trying to connect. (usually viruses does that).
Try to clean it with NOD32 or Kaspersky Pure.
Or try these other options.
1. Make sure that you have DirectX 9, if you are using Windows Vista or 7 then update the DirectX to 11.
2. Make sure you're up to date (that you have your mu updated with your MU Updater).
3. Make sure that none of your programs are using the game's files.
4. Try to off your firewalls and Antivirus
Please better tell us if still doesn't work. Thanks
I got the latest version of DirectX, firewall is offline, i am up to date, downloaded the new patch several times and full installion and runned the updater, what programs could use my mu files?Try that options. This was i said earlier.
I have not tried scanning with nod32, trying it now and later try turning it off. If it still doesn't work i uninstall infinity mu, while still the antivirus is off and reinstall it and try to run it again? I try it and let u know if i got it working.Did you try all options above? then, if you're done with that. try re-install your client if still does'nt work. then im pretty sure it will works.
If you can't create characters on your account, then try to make another one. and kindly send an email to support@infinitymuonline.com so, resistant can refund your credits into your another account, or he can fix your old account for you to make more character. And about your problem, you don't need gamebooster to run your game. Game booster is only boost your game and to make your game fast. maybe you have a virus on your PC. that's why i recomend you to use CCleaner and off your Anti-Virus programs once you will go ingame. and when you download the client, make sure you will download it in HTTP download. because sometimes when you download the client it's incomplete. Btw, did you re-install ur OS?So, scanned with nod32, didnt work, turned nod32 off, didnt work, reinstalled while nod32 off, now it gives me an error, like this:
couidn't post urls or imgs :/
anyways, tried on my laptop, installed the exe and everything works, exept if i log in and if i'm at the character screen, i see no chars and if i try to create 1, it says i cant create no more. And on the website i can see clearly that i have made characters there, 4 i think was the number of chars i have...
Now the last error what link i gave is gone, but now it says it cannot connect to ftp. It came after reinstall. Tried patching it manualy, and i am an administrator on my computer, got evertyhing updated by windows update(XP SP3), got nod32, uninstalled game booster. this is pissing me off already...
Re-install ur Windows or try to Reformat your pc. There's something wrong with that.Got my account problem fixed, now dl'ed from HTTP, started mu, it made updates, pressed connect, mu guard came up and gave me the error again http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/4305/jama.jpg
From where i could find the right one i need?u should install net framework