I can't login, "You are disconnected from the server"

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New member
February 11th , 2016
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(sorry for bad english, i am Spanish-speaking)
This is the first time in a loooong time i come to this server, but i have a problem.
I was updated, and that was OK but when i try to connect, automatically the the game tells me "You are disconnected from the server"

I deactivated firewall, antivirus and all that stuff but nothing
Are you pressing enter to select the char? If so, use your mouse. If you need, i can assist you in spanish via pm!
I have windows 7 64 bits, my friend can login but me not! Euge if you can help me in spanish is better thanks :mmm_80_anim_gif:
I have windows 7 64 bits, my friend can login but me not! Euge if you can help me in spanish is better thanks :mmm_80_anim_gif:
Euge, help him on pm please, if there are other tehnical issues please post here!

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Just increase your post count, answer some polls, give feedback in Showcase section or something :)

I'm working. I can't use Skype atm.
Contact your internet provider. Anyway your antivirus probably is blocking our client.
Sorry for the spanish..
qinn from Argentina he is Latino..

Hola qinn! agrega mi skype así te puedo ayudar es cristian.pereira35 o hablame por privado asi te paso mi Facebook y te ayudo..

Lo mas seguro que sea como dijo el admin el anti virus de todas formas entra normal sin usar proxy como wtfast etc..
Si no puedes arreglarlo así agrega mi skype o hablame en privado así te ayudo x interno..

Saludos bro!
1. Open the Control Panel(icons view), and click/tap on the Windows Firewall icon.

2. Click/tap on the Allow a program through Windows Firewall link in the left pane. (see screenshot below)

3. Click/tap on the Change settings button. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: If the Change settings button is grayed out, then it has already been clicked on.

4. Do step 5, 6, or 7 below for what you would like to do.

5. To Allow or Unallow an Existing Exception
A) On the left side, check the program exception Name box to allow, or uncheck to unallow through Windows Firewall. (see screenshot below)

B) If you allowed the program exception, then check (allow) or uncheck (unallow) the box for each Private or Publicnetwork location you want the program to have access through Windows Firewall. (see screenshot below)

6. To Add a Program Exception
A) Click on the Allow another program button. (see screenshot below)

B) If the Program is Listed (see screenshot below step 6D)
  • Click/tap on the program to highlight it.
  • Go to step 6D.
C) If the Program is Not Listed (see screenshot below step 6D)
  • Click/tap on the Browse button.
  • Navigate to the program's exe file location, usually in a C:\Program Files folder, and click on the program's exe file to select (highlight) it and click on the Open button.
D) Click/tap on the Add button. (see screenshot below)

E) Do step 5 to allow to unallow this program exception. (see screenshot below)

7. To Remove a Program Exception
A) Click/tap on the program exception name to select (highlight) it and click on the Remove button if not grayed out. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: Usually you will only be able to remove a program that you have added from step 6.

B) Click/tap on Yes to approve removing the program from the exception list.
8. When done, click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below either step 5B or 6E)

9. Close the Windows Firewall window if you like. (see screenshot below step 3)
Best regards,

-What AntiVirus do you use? You need to add it as exception in there also.
-I would be gratefull if anyone could translate it in spanish and pass this via PM to him !

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