Sorry But I'll disagree with that.
You get ganged up on sv3, X vs 1 and die like some dog.
You can't fight no more X vs 1 neither buff vs non-buff.
What is this supposed to be?
Even with the old potting, everyone had a chance, you didn't need to donate for uber, some people can't afford it, but they were experienced enough to learn how to pot, and how to fight.
You could fight for a long time, but you had a chance, now FO seems useless as you can't really PVP with it.
Pots maybe did matter X VS 1 or buff vs non buff, but not 1v1, 1v1 it didn't matter how fast you potted, and still doesn't matter.
BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT is that everyone could fight, donators and non-donators, now people cry at most that you are an "UBER NOOB" .
Oh and one last thing, tell me what's the purpose of SD now?