If there are black screens while you're in full screen mode(but it's still on fullscreen), there is a display setting about that. Not sure what your GPU is but check the setting on the display part. There should be a scaling part there and choose "Maintain aspect ratio" plus check the override application settings. That's how it works for intel. I think there are options on nvidia like "Scale fullscreen". Just try the options one by one.
EDIT: I tested playing in fullscreen and there are black bars around the game. 1280x1024 is the game resolution and monitor resolution is 1980x1080. I managed to fix. I ran it in fullscreen by changing the setting into "Scale fullscreen" in my intel graphics control panel.
I can't take a picture of my monitor+game, since i don't have a camera. But this worked for me. Monitor is 22". It's smaller than yours but i wish that this method will work for ya.