Hi all infinitians and Staff members, This is a short application, but Is not for make spam.---I have read the rules carefully (forum rules, game rules.) and If can see my lastest posts, you can see it..
Well, please Before reading
sorry If Have been annoying for Spam...
my excuse is too dumb, but, Is my work, all person in the world have a work, and here.Ours Admins, control this server , controle us..they made this server ; Game Masters, they are for solve problems, for make fun the server, for suporter us ; our Forum Moderators, responsible people, active and ready for have our forum clean, without bad spammers(for FULLPKS, he is a great person, I have respect for him and I love his job)....And TopSpammers, like me, ppl who Spam a lot, Is annoying and boring, but each person have to do their job, according the possition in the server and sorry for not naming GFX, supporters,Vips, they are important for our big family, our Big community: ,looking for more, looking for be the BEST MU SERVER EVER, for me...is done.
Personal Information:
Name: Pedro Alejandro Ariza Rubiano ( my friends call me Alejo, Pedrito, BMlocochino and noob)
Age: 15 to 16 years old (my birthday is at september)
Languages: Spanish and English
Relationship status : Single
Location: I live in Colombia ( San Gil, Santander, Colombia, South America)
Time Zone: Bogota-Quito GMT -05:00
I play Basketball and soccer, and some times I go jogging
I love play Mu, and sometimes video games, like COD4
I love be outdoors, Help people, Study a lot, Read books about fantasy and subjects.
I love eat sweet things....
About me ( myself)
I am very respectfull (I dont like Insults and bad words), friendly, responsible, loyal, decent, hard worker, level-headed and a lot of friend say that I am a Simple person,. also, I am a pacific person and I am willing to help all people who need it.
Why do I think I am eligible for being GM?
- I wanna help people from another perspective, solve their problems and guide them
-I am willing to spend my time Ingame for making this server fun, helping all and be friendly
-I want to be Gm not for saying "hey, I am a GM and I am going to ban you"or for give free prizes to my friends,.nop!!! I see that few GM were online, and I understand that they was in vacations, and sorry for that. But I am online every day in forum, and when I wanna play or help ppl, I enter to Game.
-I hate ppl who break the rules, who kill all use hacks, cheats and ppl who is Scammer, and I Wanna delete them all from InfinityMu. In all places and situations you have to be a Honest person, and play hard to be the best.
-I wanna make the law, with ppl who reports things.
- and I am very creative, funny, sociable, friendly and responsible person...I wanna be fun with all, make this server famous
Average amount of time I can spend In-Game?
I can spend the same time like in forum.,..2 to 5 hours....
Experience in Mu:
-I have played at least 7 Mu servers In my life...being a famous person for be loyal.
-I play Have play Mu 5 years ago....and I still playing It with only one server..InfinityMu!!
- In few days...I am going to have my first year with This big and famous community.
-and I have never Been banned Here (forum- game) and in other Servers
Are you a moderator or GM right now on any forum or server?
well guys....here you can find more information about me
and, f you want to know more about me, ask to me.!! here we are friends, and I wont be disrespectful
Madhater: sorry for my old bad joke, only I thought that it was funny, but I apologize to you.!
Traficantu: emm...sometimes I cant enter Ingame for watch all events, for my studies and my laggy computer...sorry If I have failed with my information
FULLPKS and all: sorry for be annoying for spam, If I am a GM, I wont do Spam, spam will be my enemy
Resistant: sorry for send stupid PM and be annoying,,,only I wanna be a good friend with you!!
And If I have to change my ForumNickname, I will do it.. If u dislike it (and I think that Will be better Change It for other Name and create a new character and new account for it)
I have read the rules for make this thread....My application is serious
so well...give me your opinions, no spam.
Thanks for all..That god bless all my colleagues and my friends
[Edited] Dots Edited, Sorry
Well, please Before reading
sorry If Have been annoying for Spam...
my excuse is too dumb, but, Is my work, all person in the world have a work, and here.Ours Admins, control this server , controle us..they made this server ; Game Masters, they are for solve problems, for make fun the server, for suporter us ; our Forum Moderators, responsible people, active and ready for have our forum clean, without bad spammers(for FULLPKS, he is a great person, I have respect for him and I love his job)....And TopSpammers, like me, ppl who Spam a lot, Is annoying and boring, but each person have to do their job, according the possition in the server and sorry for not naming GFX, supporters,Vips, they are important for our big family, our Big community: ,looking for more, looking for be the BEST MU SERVER EVER, for me...is done.
Personal Information:
Name: Pedro Alejandro Ariza Rubiano ( my friends call me Alejo, Pedrito, BMlocochino and noob)
Age: 15 to 16 years old (my birthday is at september)
Languages: Spanish and English
Relationship status : Single
Location: I live in Colombia ( San Gil, Santander, Colombia, South America)
Time Zone: Bogota-Quito GMT -05:00
I play Basketball and soccer, and some times I go jogging
I love play Mu, and sometimes video games, like COD4
I love be outdoors, Help people, Study a lot, Read books about fantasy and subjects.
I love eat sweet things....
About me ( myself)
I am very respectfull (I dont like Insults and bad words), friendly, responsible, loyal, decent, hard worker, level-headed and a lot of friend say that I am a Simple person,. also, I am a pacific person and I am willing to help all people who need it.
Why do I think I am eligible for being GM?
- I wanna help people from another perspective, solve their problems and guide them
-I am willing to spend my time Ingame for making this server fun, helping all and be friendly
-I want to be Gm not for saying "hey, I am a GM and I am going to ban you"or for give free prizes to my friends,.nop!!! I see that few GM were online, and I understand that they was in vacations, and sorry for that. But I am online every day in forum, and when I wanna play or help ppl, I enter to Game.
-I hate ppl who break the rules, who kill all use hacks, cheats and ppl who is Scammer, and I Wanna delete them all from InfinityMu. In all places and situations you have to be a Honest person, and play hard to be the best.
-I wanna make the law, with ppl who reports things.
- and I am very creative, funny, sociable, friendly and responsible person...I wanna be fun with all, make this server famous
Average amount of time I can spend In-Game?
I can spend the same time like in forum.,..2 to 5 hours....
Experience in Mu:
-I have played at least 7 Mu servers In my life...being a famous person for be loyal.
-I play Have play Mu 5 years ago....and I still playing It with only one server..InfinityMu!!
- In few days...I am going to have my first year with This big and famous community.
-and I have never Been banned Here (forum- game) and in other Servers
Are you a moderator or GM right now on any forum or server?
well guys....here you can find more information about me
and, f you want to know more about me, ask to me.!! here we are friends, and I wont be disrespectful
Madhater: sorry for my old bad joke, only I thought that it was funny, but I apologize to you.!
Traficantu: emm...sometimes I cant enter Ingame for watch all events, for my studies and my laggy computer...sorry If I have failed with my information
FULLPKS and all: sorry for be annoying for spam, If I am a GM, I wont do Spam, spam will be my enemy
Resistant: sorry for send stupid PM and be annoying,,,only I wanna be a good friend with you!!
And If I have to change my ForumNickname, I will do it.. If u dislike it (and I think that Will be better Change It for other Name and create a new character and new account for it)
I have read the rules for make this thread....My application is serious
so well...give me your opinions, no spam.
Thanks for all..That god bless all my colleagues and my friends
[Edited] Dots Edited, Sorry
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