Hello Infinitians,
On behalf of the InfinityMU Staff Team I am here to present..
Infinity Got Talent Season 14

(Banner made by Doc Jollevy )
The famous talent search is back!
How can you join?
Open to all talented Infinitians!
If you have these talents or whatever it is that you think is your talent that you want us to witness, you're in!
♦ Music (instrumentals, beat boxing, etc.);
♦ Art (drawing, designing, etc.);
♦ Acting;
♦ Singing;
♦ Dancing;
♦ Magic;
♦ Declamation, poetry, orations;
♦ All talents are accepted, if you think that you have talent, just join;
♦ Previous season's winners can still join.
NOTE: Talents mentioned above does not mean that those are the only talents we want to witness. The above are just examples of possible talents you can perform; show us what you prefer most!
PLEASE NOTE: Songs or acts with inappropriate lyrics or performances are NOT allowed. No profanity, references to alcohol, sex, drugs or other inappropriate topics. Must be appropriate and suitable for any age, family friendly, so to say. Foul-taste in music, such as profanity will result in disqualification.
♦ All participants must be a Infinitian of course;
♦ Video entry is recommended;
♦ Can be both group and individual, yet it's best to show your individual talent;
♦ Should be original composition, singing / instruments (In-style themes / soundtracks of MU);
♦ Must be own work of yours, we don’t accept entries from Google, Youtube, Facebook etc.;
♦ For video entries, it should be no shorter than 3 minutes, yet no longer than 6;
♦ In the video you must introduce yourself before it starts or at the end of the video to validate your entry, such as in game or forum name and that this is your entry for Season 14 of "Infinity Got Talent";
♦ Similar for artworks, photos, simply include your forum / in game name in the entry and specify that the work is meant for Season 14 of "Infinity Got Talent";
♦ In declamation all orations must be in English;
♦ If you do magic, make just one piece of art promoting InfinityMU, if it takes less than 3 minutes, surely you can do 1 or 2 more, but it's best to do just 1;
♦ Doing song / instrumental cover is allowed, but in the intro, promote the game and the forum itself, include your character name and forum name in the video.
Who will judge your entry?
Administrator, Lead Moderator, Head Event Master,
Honorary Staff, Senior Game Masters, Senior Moderators,
Game Masters, Event Masters, Moderators (Including Trials),
GFX Team, Legends, Supporters, Forum Supporters.
How do we judge?
♦ Overall performance;
♦ Technique & uniqueness;
♦ Appearance, as in outfit;
♦ Personality;
♦ Quality of voice;
♦ Creativity;
♦ Background;
♦ Looks;
♦ Efforts;
♦ Originality.
In all cases, decisions of judges are final and will not be open to discussion. Don’t worry, we have the ability to see which is BEST and which is not. Also, judging will be made in public of course.
1st place: 25$ with items in webshop + Tag: Infinity Got Talent + 20 Forum Imes

2nd place: 15$ with items in webshop + 10 Forum Imes;
3rd place: 25,000 Gold Credits +5 Forum Imes
Consolation Prizes: Every Infinitian who successfully registers / submits their entry AND if it will get a vote in the poll, will receive 5,000 Gold Credits as consolation prize for their efforts.
Rules and Regulations:
1. Each player and their own forum account may only submit one entry!
2. WARNING! Any form of cheating, such as using multiple forum accounts is against the rules and can not only get you disqualified from this event, but also banned from forum for currently unspecified time, depending on what is the violation.
◘ Only Talent entries can be posted in this thread, no discussions;
◘ Post your entry here in this event thread;
◘ Event starts today, February 10th;
◘ Deadline of submission for the entries: February 25th.
For questions, clarification, feel free to ask me via PM.
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