Infinity Hardcore
Hello Infinitians!
This thread has been created for all candidates / infinitians who want to join the InfinityMU Hardcore usergroup, there are set requirements to joining which must be met first and will be included below.
The Infinity Hardcore usergroup is for dedicated forumers who won several big events and keep being very active. (not a permanent group and might update it's permissions on certain suggestions)
- Currently active
- Won several big events
- Follows forum rules & guidelines
To join simply post the links to the big events you have won in the community.
For example --
Wayne said:User: Wayne
Events won:
PK Monthly:
Infinity Idol:
Please only 1 post per user, if you win another event just update your first post and any questions you have should be asked via PM to staff, avoid posting in this thread to keep it clean.
InfinityMU Staff team