Infinity MU Anniversary Event

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Head Event Master
September 26th , 2019
Reaction score


Since our Anniversary is coming
We have a little surprise for you. But more prizes!

Event Description :
The Staff team members will hide in a map of their choosing.
and you will need to find and slay them in order to win the prizes.

Event Mechanics :
All participants will have to find and kill the staff members in the 3 maps named above.
It will be very simple since we will not use any potions.
After a staff member has been killed a global gold chat message will appear announcing who killed him/her.
Upon death, Staff members will return to game hidden at different coordinates in one of the 3 maps.
The event will go on for 30 minutes of non stop hunting and there will be no limit for IMES or Gold Credits.
Be the first to find and slay them !

Location, Date and Time of the Event :
Server 3, February 12-16, Regular CS time!

4:00pm UTC+3
-Click Here-

All buffs allowed
All classes allowed
Summon is allowed
Any attempt to disrupt the event will lead to ban
If you are caught to use any bug/hack or somehow broke the main rules of the server you will be DC from the event
Staff members will change location after they get killed. They will hide in all the Major Cities of MU Continent (Noria,Devias,Lorencia)
Staff members won't use potions. Once you find them you need to slay them. However their Vitality will be doubled and they can use self/party buffs.

Players who join in this event must have opened a store with their main IMES char written in it.

System for Evaluation :
Each kill will bring you 1 IMES point. After the staff member dies, he/she
will keep a record (with screenshots preferably) of the killers and add the prizes accordingly.
Moderator prizes will be added by Head Event Master on her own scoreboard.
Full list of winners will be updated in this thread after the event is finished.

All points from Feb 12-16 will gather on Saturday (Feb 17, 2024)

Top 50 players will get a special prize based on their rank.

Prize(s) :
Top 1 - 5
50$ VD

Top 6 - 10
30$ VD

Top 11 - 20
25$ VD

Top 21 - 30
15$ VD

Top 31 - 50
10$ VD

Brought to you by:

Infinity MU Staff Team
Hello guys!
As of 2.12.24
here's the list of killers and their points per Staff.

-CooKies- 2x-God. (3x)-CooKies- 3Amatasan 2x[SuperBad] (x5)#DecimaL 2xKhutchie[SuperBad] - 4Schweitzer
-Tit0Dh!F- 2x-Tit0Dh!F- (3x)_BlueCOD.VzLLogiTech. (x3)_Blue 2x#DecimaL 3x_Blue - 4FairyDust X2
#Driver*$ipKnoT* (2x)-God. 3#DecimaL#MalaChiH (x2)Matt-Brody 2xCOd.VzLGoldVest 4#MalaChiH
-God. 3x_Blue (2x)#BearBrand 4ImpFedaiKin! (x2)SalbahizProbexZ 2x-God._Blue x3
Schweitzer 3xDLGiBo (2x)GoldVest 2Schweitzer 8Spragonis (x5)#DriverFairyDustSchweitzer - 2[SuperBad]
LogiTech. 2x[SuperBad] (2x)Spragonis 2#Driver 2Amatasan (x3)ProbexZFireKeeper 2xFireKeeperSpragonis x2
AmatasanMexus (2x)-Tit0Dh!F-#Jollevy 3Schweitzer#MalaChiHSchweitzer 5xLogiTech.#Driver
DLGiBo 2x#DecimaL (2x)#DecimaL 2#MalaChiH 3x#Blink (x6)LogiTech.FedaiKin!#Driver*$lipKnoT*
#JollevyCOD.VzL#Blink 2#BearBrand#BearBrand#BearBrand#BlinkFairyDustAkhenaten
SalbahizJuuga#Driver 3-CooKies-#DecimaL (x2)DLGiBo_BlueDLGiBo -2-God. x2
SouLHeterRs 2xSchweitzerSalbahiz 2[SuperBad] 4xMatt-Brody (x3)#Sixth!GoldVest#CriXus##Blink
WhyS0SaltyFedaiKin!COD.VzL 2ProbexZFairyDust#JollevyPG-18SalbahizCOD.VzL
GoldVestSalbahiz#CriXus##Blink#Jollevy (x2)iWinterCryImp#JollevyiWinterCry
[SuperBad]#Sixth!SchweitzerKhutchie_Blue-Tit0Dh!F-Matt-Brody-CooKies- 2
-CooKies-#JollevySouLHeteRs 3GoldVest (x2)Amatasan[SuperBad]#DecimaL
LogiTech.DLGiBo 2Matt-Brody*$lipKnoT*iWinterCryAkhenaten
#BlinkAkhenatenAkhenaten 2x#CriXus#Salbahiz 2x*$lipKnoT*
*$lipKnoT*WhyS0Salty#Sixth! 2x
iWinterCrySalbahizSouLHeteRs 3x
Hello guys!
As of 2.13.24
here's the list of killers and their points per Staff.

Ree. 2x[SuperBad] (4x)LogiTech. 3Amatasan(4X)Ree.#Blink 2xiFeiYanGGoldVest 3Lux0Rb x2
Daniel- 5xMHERLIN (3x)-CooKies- 2Lux0Rb(2X)Lux0Rb#Sixth! 2x#Blink 5xLogiTech. 3[SuperBad] x2
#DecimaLiFeiYanG (3x)#Sixth! 2-CooKies-(4X)LogiTech. x3-God. 3xGoldVest 3x-CooKies-#Jollevy
LogiTech.LogiTech. (3x)-Demon!DLGiBoSpragonis x3DLGiBo#DecimaL 3xAmatasan-Cookies-
#Sixth! 2xGoldVest (3x)Ree.iFeiyanGSalbahiz x2Ree.LogiTech. 4x-Demon!<COD+KD
#MalaChiH 3xLux0Rb (3x)#MalaChiHGoldVestGoldVest x4<COD+KDSchweitzer 2xSpragonisDLGiBo x2
DLGiBoDaniel- (2x)Daniel-#DriverSchweitzer[SuperBad]Amatasan#Jollevy 3MHERLIN
GoldVest 2xSpragonis (2x)<COD+KD 4#DecimaL(2X)[C]Lutch..LogiTech. 2xYabani 2xDaniel- 3#MalaChiH
SchweitzerSouLHeteRs (2x)SouLHeteRs 3Yabani(2X)#Sixth! x5Schweitzer 3xRee. 2x#Sixth!#Blink x2
Salbahiz-God.[SuperBad] 2Salbahiz(2X)DLGiBoMatt-Brody-CooKies-#DecimaLDaniel-
Lux0Rb 3xMatt-Brody-God. 5[SuperBad](2X)#Driver[C]Lutch..DLGiBo 3x[SuperBad] 2Salbahiz
iFeiYanG 2x_Blue#Blink 4-God.(2X)MHERLIN x2Salbahiz[C]Lutch..-God.iFeiYanG
_Blue-CooKies-Salbahiz#Jollevy(2X)-CooKies- x2<COD+KDSchweitzer 2-God.
#Sixth!iFeiYanG<COD+KD#Blink-God. 3xMHERLIN 2Schweitzer
CriXu$MHERLINMHERLIN#DecimaLLux0Rb 2xCriXu$[C]Lutch..
[C]Lutch_BlueDaniel-(2X)SouLHeteRs x2MHERLIN#MalaChiH
WhyS0SaltyDLGiBoCriXu$Matt-Brody x2#Sixth!#Driver
AmatasanJallybeanYabani#MalaChiH 2xMatt-Brody
SchweitzerDaniel- x2Daniel-iWinterCry
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Hello guys!
As of 2.14.24
here's the list of killers and their points per Staff.

LogiTech. 3xDaniel- (5x)#Demon 2Daniel- x2Schweitzer x4GoldVest 3
#Driver 5xMatt-Brody (5x)Schweitzer 2-God.[SuperBad]#Jollevy 2
3Ti[)3aTh 2x-CooKies- (5x)-CooKies- 4_Blue x7Lux0Rb x5Schweitzer
Daniel- 5xJuuga (3x)Lux0Rb 2Lux0Rb x2-God. x2Daniel-
GoldVestSalbahiz (3x)Imp 2GoldVest x5_Blue_Blue 2
Lux0RbSchweitzer (2x)-God. 2-CooKies- x2GoldVest x3Mashka
SalbahizLux0Rb (2x)#JollevyLordObiTo x3#Jollevy[SuperBad]
Spragonis 2xImp (2x)MHERLIN 2Amatasan x2Salbahiz x2LogiTech. 2
#Sixth!#Sixth! (2x)#DriverSalbahiz#Driver x4-God.
_BlueGoldVest-[D]ahaka* 2#Sixth!MHERLINImp 3
-God.-[D]ahaka*_Blue 3LogiTech.Daniel- x4Amatasan
[SuperBad]#JollevyMatt-Brody 3Matt-Brody x3Juuga x4#Sixth! x2
-CooKies-LogiTech.DLGiBo 33Tri[)3aTh-CooKies- x4Lux0Rb
JuugaMashkaLogiTech. 4Juuga*LordObiTo*Spragonis
DLGiBo 3x_BlueJuuga 3MHERLINAmatasan x4Matt-Brody
-God.LordObiTo 2-[D]ahaka*LogiTech.DLGiBo
#DriverGoldVest 3#Driver x2Matt-Brody#Driver
MHERLINDaniel- 3Spragonis*LordObiTo*

Hello guys!
As of 2.15.24
here's the list of killers and their points per Staff.

LogiTech. 2xLogiTech. (4x)_Blue 2Daniel-(3X)MadaoDaniel- x2Daniel- 4#Jollevy 2x
Daniel- 6xDaniel- (3x)LogiTech.#Driver(4)Matt-Brody x2_BlueGoldVest 4_Blue
-God. 2xSchweitzer (2x)[SuperBad] 3Amatasan(3)-CooKies- x4#MalaChiH x2ImpSalbahiz 2x
Salbahiz 2xMatt-Brody (2x)SpragonisLogiTech.#Jollevy#Driver x3pixelyaha-God. 6x
#Jollevy[C]Lutch.. (2x)bueno 2[RIP_08] 2[SuperBad]Imp x2LogiTech. 3LogiTech. 3x
-Tit0Dh!F-#MalaChiH (2x)MHERLIN 4-Tit0Dh!F-LogiTech.#Sixth!Matt-Brody 3Schweitzer 3x
Matt-Brody 2xAmatasan (2x)SouLHeteRs 2BuenoDLGiboSpragonis x2-Jared#Driver 2x
GoldVest 3xSalbahiz (2x)-CooKies-[SuperBad] 4[K]isame-Jared x2SalbahizAmatasan 3x
-MrT-3_BlueDLGiBoSalbahizSalbahizSchweitzer x2bueno[RIP_08]
Imp 2x-God.AmatasanpixelyahaSpragonis#JollevySchweitzerMHERLIN
Amatasan 2xGoldVest-Jared[C]lutch.. 3+[RIP_08]++[RIP_08]+ 2[SuperBad]Daniel-
SpragonisDaniel- 4#SixthSalieRMLogiTech. x2-God.[SuperBad] 2x
+[RIP_08]+-God.Schweitzer[C]Lutch..Amatasan x2#Sixth!GoldVest 2x
[SuperBad]SchweitzerGoldVest(2X)Daniel-GoldVest#Driver#Sixth! 2x
DLGiboGoldVestSpragonis-Tit0Dh!F-DLGibo 2x
Cidonija#Jollevy-God.(2X)[SuperBad] x2Matt-Brody

Hello guys!
As of 2.16.24
here's the list of killers and their points per Staff.

SpragonisJuuga 3GoldVest(2X)#Jollevy x4Schweitzer-God. 5Juuga-God. 2x
-CooKies- 2xMadao#DecimaLLogiTech. x4Juuga x2SouLHeteRs 2Salbahiz 3x-MrT-3. 2x
[C]Lutch.. 3xLogiTech. 5MHERLIN(2X)DLGibo x3-CooKies- x2Lux0Rb 3LogiTech. 2x-CooKies-
#Jollevy 2x_Blue 3SpragonisSouLHeteRs x2_BlueJuuga 3Daniel-InaV
Lux0Rb 4x-God. 3[RIP_08] (2X)_BlueLogiTech.x4[SuperBad] 2Matt-Brody 4x[C]Lutch.. 3x
Matt-BrodySchweitzer 2#JollevyMatt-Brody x3#DecimaL#DecimaL 2GoldVestSouLHeteRs 3x
SchweitzerSalbahiz 2Schweitzer 4x-MrT-3.SpragonisDLGibo 2-God. 7x#Driver
_Blue 2xMHERLIN 5DLGibo 3xSpragonis x3-God. x5Salbahiz 2#Jollevy 2xLogiTech. 6x
LogiTech. 3xLux0Rb 4[C]Lutch..GoldVest#JollevyAmatasan#DecimaLMHERLIN 3X
-MrT-3. 2x#Driver 2LogiTech.(3X)MHERLINSalbahiz#Driver 2DLGibo 2xDLGibo
Daniel- 2x-MrT-3.-God.#DecimaL#Sixth!Schweitzer 3-CooKies- 2x#Jollevy
#Driver 2x#DecimaL 2Juuga[C]Lutch.. x2DLGibo-MrT-3. 2[SuperBad]Spragonis
DLGiBoGoldVest 2Salbahiz(4X)-God.Matt-BrodyLogiTech. 3-Mr-T3.Schweitzer
MHERLINSpragonisLux0Rb#Sixth! x4Daniel-+[RIP_08]+[C]Lutch..Daniel-
#Sixth! 2-MrT-3.(2X)#Driver-CooKies-#Driver
DLGiBo[SuperBad] 2xSpragonis

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Hello Everyone!
All points from February 12-16 has been gathered.
I'm here to Announce our

Infinity MU Anniversary Event
:star: Top 50 Winners :star:

1LogiTech.83$50 USD for the webshop
2-God.76$50 USD for the webshop
3Daniel-66$50 USD for the webshop
4Schweitzer65$50 USD for the webshop
5GoldVest64$50 USD for the webshop
6[SuperBad]58$30 USD for the webshop
7-CooKies- 52$30 USD for the webshop
8#Driver, Salbahiz, Matt-Brody48$30 USD for the webshop
9_Blue47$30 USD for the webshop
10DLGiBo46$30 USD for the webshop
11Lux0Rb41$25 USD for the webshop
12#Jollevy, #Sixth!38$25 USD for the webshop
13Spragonis, Amatasan35$25 USD for the webshop
14MHERLIN34$25 USD for the webshop
15#DecimaL29$25 USD for the webshop
16SouLHeteRs28$25 USD for the webshop
17#Blink26$25 USD for the webshop
18Juuga, [C]Lutch...23$25 USD for the webshop
19#MalaChiH19$25 USD for the webshop
20-MrT-318$25 USD for the webshop
21Imp15$15 USD for the webshop
22-Tit0Dh!F-11$15 USD for the webshop
23iFeiYanG, +[RIP_08]+10$15 USD for the webshop
24<COD+KD9$15 USD for the webshop
25#CriXus#8$15 USD for the webshop
26*$lipKnoT*, #BearBrand, Ree., LordObiTo, -[D]ahaka7$15 USD for the webshop
27COd.VzL, Yabani6$15 USD for the webshop
28FairyDust, Akhenaten, iWinterCry, Madao5$15 USD for the webshop
29ProbexZ, FedaiKin!, -Demon!, -Jared4$15 USD for the webshop
303Ti[)3aTh3$15 USD for the webshop
31Khutchie2$10 USD for the webshop
32Mexus2$10 USD for the webshop
33Mashka2$10 USD for the webshop
34Cidonija2$10 USD for the webshop
35pixelyaha2$10 USD for the webshop
36[K]isame2$10 USD for the webshop
37PG-181$10 USD for the webshop
38angelito201$10 USD for the webshop
39Jallybean1$10 USD for the webshop
40SalieRM1$10 USD for the webshop
41InaV1$10 USD for the webshop

Thank you for participating
Congratulations to all winners.

**Anniversary PROMO has NO EFFECT in all prizes from this event**

**The Rewards can be used in BTA.**

**Rewards can be used as $ to additional future donations if you want to donate 25$ + those 25$ (from the rewards) and get Uber Tier-3 (50$) for example.**

**Rewards can be hold for future use! (Up to few months, not year or more) For example you want to accumulate X $ to claim X items from webshop.**

💘 Happy 16th Years Anniversary InfinityMU 💘


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