What did I learn from InfinityMU?
I learned enough things: Before I had doubts that, respect not respected but from I learn there, I am 100% sure that respect will always be respected. As Harvin, I learned to communicate with people from different countries.
What did I earn from InfinityMU?
I earned almost everyone's respect. But the most good part, I earned friends whose can do everything for me, can do things for to decrease their reputations. Can even get blocked due rudeness for me. They know who are they, no names. And I earned 1 great friend, who will not do some rude things for me but He always giving his advices to me to make me control myself. He is from staff team and he knows well who is he
What did I lose during playing InfinityMU?
Believe me, I just lost 32 ACC Wind during my active times and because of Lag I lost few set parts
))) I didn`t lose any of my friends but some betrayed me and just lost me. But, to be honest, last 1 month I am losing some respect, some reputations and it is all because of me. I am being rude, acting bad.
P.S: Sava, ma boy, you created this thread yeah, but we also would like to know, what did you Learn, Earn and Lose during your InfinityMU experience