Hi guys! I'm very glad to announce the winners for
Infinity Memes for the month of March!
And we have:
Sney- (Sney-)
Forum Event - InfinityMU Meme - March 2021
Hello, Infinitians! Here we are again for another month of this event. It's about sharing funny moments connected to InfinityMU through memes, which I think we will all enjoy. - What do you need to do? -You can use any meme generator available on the internet, but here I have chosen 2 which I...
Prize: 7,000GC + 7 Forum IMES, prize reduced due to incorrect format of posting the entry and will fully go to 3rd place since there are two.
CatSoup (CatSoup)
Prize: 5,000GC + 5 Forum IMES
Hate. (Hate.)
>Prince< (>Prince.<)
Prize: 3,000GC + 3 Forum IMES each
I have already added the prizes Only not for character Hate. as there is no such character, PM me with your character name.
Congrats and thanks for joining!
Poll: https://forum.infinitymu.net/threads/infinity-mu-meme-march-2021.126125/