Interesting Events

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Well-known member
February 15th , 2012
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Hello Infinitians And Staff Team,

I was looking in the past Events of the last one year and i did not see something interesting that would make me excited. And as i see that the activity of the game is little bit low and i guess these events will bring some activity to the game.

Lets start.


Have been posted By RESiSTANT

This event looks very good and hard to achieve, it will bring competition to the game, I think the players would spend more time in the game, if the event would be introduced.


This will be a good advertisement for the InfinityMU.
This event is for the new Members, new registered members.(will Increase the Community of the online Members)
Its easy to implement and it is a win - win situation for both.

What is Account Registration?
When you register a new account automatically you will get a Gift like FO set Swords + lvl2 Wings all will be FO but this items will be untradeable. OR with the creation of a new account you have to do at least 1 grand reset to get this gift.


This event is a amazing and with so much Fun,
Please bring this event to InfinityMu back, At least Host this event Once in a Week :)

Leave your honest opinions
Thanks in advance :)
high and low was alot to do, and alot of times missing out a player.
Account regi, realy wanne give out more free stuff to players when its so easy to get FO items. But realy easy, just vote each 12 hours, do 1 greater reset, reset ingame, online time all give credits.

battle soccer, same as first, those who registerd send ther cat when the event is there.

THere are reasons why alot of events are on hold.
i was thinking , and i think i will sponsor high and low event if we make it in future
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Let's put it simple. Interesting events require smart players to participate and for extended time, not just 30 minutes. I refer to this -

Tried it several times, kind of succeeded, but it is such a pain in the ass, because people are not familiar with this concept. They are used to getting their Imes limit and running off to server 3. And big events, obviously. The best example is duel kings. It is a pretty fun concept, but people usually are simply put - ignorant. We tell them several times to come with free inventory space and no sets equipped, yet they still do and even though fighting takes 30-45 mins for all duels, event itself takes at least 2 hours because people don't listen. So much time is wasted when they fix what should've not been an issue in the first place. I get that you are pointing out a bit different things here, but I wanted to show this just as an example so you understand why I kinda don't want to support this. It all ends up in the same place no matter what is the concept of the more interesting event. Current system is left untouched because it works for the people that are in this environment. They are used to it, they know what is happening and they feel fine about it. Just my two cents :)
im so glad that i hear that suggestion by you. i really like this High and low event. when venci hosted it in 2017 i won nothing just started playing there cos of event and then stayed get uber gears and now i'm a part of both community. rlly good idea. i wish i saw venci hosts it again

thx again.
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high and low was alot to do, and alot of times missing out a player.
Account regi, realy wanne give out more free stuff to players when its so easy to get FO items. But realy easy, just vote each 12 hours, do 1 greater reset, reset ingame, online time all give credits.

battle soccer, same as first, those who registerd send ther cat when the event is there.

THere are reasons why alot of events are on hold.

Nikki, high and low is about to spend time in game not just staying at arena, you are trying to earn that with your own skills how fast you are reseting,

about registration, The vote system and online time is a part of the game, im talking about something different that Advertise the game to improve more, he will not stay with the gifted one you know what im saying.

Than make please the Battle Soccer in that moment not like big event.

Let's put it simple. Interesting events require smart players to participate and for extended time, not just 30 minutes. I refer to this -

Tried it several times, kind of succeeded, but it is such a pain in the ass, because people are not familiar with this concept. They are used to getting their Imes limit and running off to server 3. And big events, obviously. The best example is duel kings. It is a pretty fun concept, but people usually are simply put - ignorant. We tell them several times to come with free inventory space and no sets equipped, yet they still do and even though fighting takes 30-45 mins for all duels, event itself takes at least 2 hours because people don't listen. So much time is wasted when they fix what should've not been an issue in the first place. I get that you are pointing out a bit different things here, but I wanted to show this just as an example so you understand why I kinda don't want to support this. It all ends up in the same place no matter what is the concept of the more interesting event. Current system is left untouched because it works for the people that are in this environment. They are used to it, they know what is happening and they feel fine about it. Just my two cents :)

Kron i did not get anything from your post ? you are telling that the Staff dont have time to spend in game more than 2 hours ? Everything wants to be finished with 2 words ? and whats the job and work of Staff?

And if you like your job as Staff of any position you have to work hard, if event get 5 - 10 hours doesnt matter, you are making something for the Community so you have to spend that time with patience cuz its your job.
How abaut new forum events and new prices to the winner? .. ;)
Any Mod ? and any ideas ? ... :D
How abaut new forum events and new prices to the winner? .. ;)
Any Mod ? and any ideas ? ... :D

Me, ben, and OFF will be the sponsor for the events. Just us three :). Back to the topic. I get what jopaa wants to happen and im not 100% in favor since a lot of players do like new interesring events, and also a lot of players dont want to spend time for events cus they are lazy( true fact). And also regarding the gift systwm, i remeber one suggestion about that and some replies says "it would be just abused by players smart enough to create another account and then do 1 GR and then make new acc again" i mean the idea of aome new interesting is fine by me as it is but i dont know if players would engage in such events accordingly. Just my dumb thoughts.. :)
Hi Guys,

i just held an event here in forum for all of us to enjoy not only in game but also here in our forum.
i'm just asking for some help in game to notify the players that have not visited the forum.
i think it will help a lot specially to those players who have not read our guideline and other important announcements here in forum. thus, it will also give them some time to explore our forum.

Thank you.
im just a newbie trying to give what i got to contribute to you guys. :)
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