Forum Account : iSwitcher
Duration : Permanent
Reason : Multiple Account (of iNewbee)
Proof : (And you still using light font's color after warned twice)
- And this ingame chatlog before you change iNewbee name, same account with Mysticsz
Duration : Permanent
Reason : Multiple Account (of iNewbee)
Proof : (And you still using light font's color after warned twice)
- And this ingame chatlog before you change iNewbee name, same account with Mysticsz
[05: 27: 36][INFO] Account : [*****] Name : [iNewbee] Command [/post S>Persues Tier1 BM = 130Row VIA BTA!]
14th. Multiple accounts
• Penalty:
- 1st = Banning all accounts except main and Infracting the user
- 2nd = Banning all acounts including main
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