Banned Forum Acc James Arvil

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March 10th , 2018
Reaction score
Forum Account : James Arvil
Duration : Permanent
Reason : Abusing Multiple Account (of -Thanatos-)
Proof : Profile & HWID Check

Excerpt from the Forum Rules:

22. Exceeding accounts. You are not allowed to have more than 1 account. If your main account gets banned in order to use a NEW forum account you have to make a ban appeal which has to be approved by the Lead Moderator or Administrator in order to continue using it. If you are caught making more accounts after your main one,all of them will be banned permanently.

14th. Multiple accounts
• Penalty:
- 1st = Banning all accounts except main and Infracting the user
- 2nd = Banning all accounts including main
Account unbanned.
User has contacted the staff that he understands the gravity of his actions
Also he and his brother share 2 accounts instead of one.

!WARNING! : If the user is caught lying,all accounts which are connected will be permanently blocked

InfinityMU Staff Team
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