Big Game Event Kill the Boss - April 2021...

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Head Event Master
September 26th , 2019
Reaction score

A Critical Call of Duty!

Kill the Boss

Event Description :
This event consists of 2 stages.

Stage 1:
The generals will appear on a specific map and you have to find and slay them!
After all the generals were declared dead, that is the time the real battle will begin.

Stage 2:
The Evil Boss will be attacking the InfinityMU Kingdom. Anyone who is brave enough is encouraged to join and let us altogether show the Boss that here in Infinity, whoever disturbs peace will receive no mercy.
The Boss Slayer will receive corresponding rewards as a sign of gratitude.

Mechanics of the event :
All present staff members will be using 2k pots
Each staff member is valued at 3,000 Gold Credits and 3 IMES points
The last staff member that was killed will play the role of the Boss.

Location, Date and Time of the Event :
Server 3, Sunday 4th of April 2021 - Regular CS time!
4:00pm UTC+3
-Click Here-

All buffs allowed
All classes allowed
Summon is allowed
Any attempt to disrupt the event will lead to ban If you are caught to use any bug/hack or somehow broke the main rules of the server you will be DC from the event

System for Evaluation :
After the staff member dies, he/she will keep a record (with screenshots preferably)
of his corresponding killer and add the prizes accordingly.
Moderator prizes will be added by Ezio on his own scoreboard.
Full list of winners will be updated in this thread after the event is finished.

Prize(s) :
Stage 1:
3,000 Gold Credits + 3 IMES
For each kill made on any staff member

Stage 2 :
Tartarus Mace of Emperor or the Sacred Mace of King
And Boss Slayer Tag


Brought to you by:
Infinity MU Staff Team
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Peace in our world lasted for too long since the Evil Boss was last defeated and casted out or our world. But he stayed in the void, watching and patiently waiting for the best opportunity to return to our world and spread chaos, despair and death!... And today was that day. After a long time in the shadows, the Evil Boss and his Generals tried to invade our world once again. The land became dark as black clouds covered the skies, the fields became dull as fog start spreading all over the place, the air became suffocating with a stench of death. The Generals tried to open the path for the Boss, and went into the forgotten lands of Aida to clear the fields from any resistance, but they were caught off guard as a massive amount of warriors attacked them and slaughtered them one by one... The Boss seeing that he has no option left, he tried to invade our Kingdom through another path thinking that the majority of the resistance was focused on killing his Generals. And so he chose the ancient path through Noria. But he was unaware that the resistance was following him, and when he was absolutely sure that he will succeed, he was suddenly ambushed by a great amount of warriors and after a long fight the Boss was finally killed and casted out of our world once again, restoring Peace and prosperity to our Kingdom!

Boss Slayer: [bs]Jaeden20[/bs]

Screenshots of the Event:

Members of the council watching over the event:
Ezio, Wintwi, Booms, Ancalagon, Gells, Euphoria.

Special Guests:

Congratulations to the Winners, and thank you all for your participation!
Don’t forget to Vote every 12 hours!
Check out our Wiki page to find all kind of information that you seek! Link below

Brought to you by the Event Master Team!
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