Kronwell.B is hosting some events. #2

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Toby broke my custom title ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
September 11th , 2015
Reaction score
As some of you may have noticed, I was hosting event today. Everything went better than expected, to be honest. So I will write a little something something about how was it going there.

Well, we started gathering in devias church, but there were just a few people, I was hoping to get more players to join, but only 12 or a bit more actually came and participated. I was disappointed about that. Was hoping to get at least 40 players to join, but oh well, I am not EM, they just don't beleive me. Anyway..

The first part of event was similar to my last event. To get in the event, everybody had to bring me name KronwellB from 9 items, that starts with each letter ofc. K = Kundun Staff / Knight blade, r = ring of wind / ring of fire, o = any orb and so on. They had to fit in 1 trade for me to accept it. So we had 12 people to do it in 1 hour. First part already took 1 hour. But they did it. List of players that did it (and in the exact order btw):


So yeah, so far so good. Since there was only 12 players who managed to get in, I had to change my plans a bit, but that was no problem. So the next part of event was to find me at any map, and when somebody has found me, I give them a riddle. When next person comes, I give the same riddle to that person and so on until somebody finds the answer. Only 6 places and 6 riddles.

First riddle:
Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
If I recall correctly, first to answer was BeoWuLf and the answer is NOTHING.

Second riddle:
What is blue, but smells like red paint?
To this riddle first to give the answer was _@$[]()-.N and the answer is BLUE PAINT.

Third riddle:
What comes down but never goes up?
Further I don't recall wich one answered it, sorry for that. The answer is RAIN.

Fourth riddle:
What goes up when rain comes down?

Fifth riddle:
What can you catch but not throw?
Flu / Cold, this answer I recall, it came from Beautiful.

Sixth riddle:
What goes up but never comes down?
Your age!

So the 6 infinitians to answer my riddles was:


And the 6 infinitians, who did not get to 3rd part, got 3 wind rings each as consolation prize.

So the 6 winners now had way more harder task. They had to bring be Sword Dancer+11+skill+luck+lvl/20+24 add and it was not allowed to buy the item in webshop. The first to bring me the Dancer was _@$[]()-.N, then JEBAT and then BeoWuLf made it in the last seconds, because -WuZiMu- brang me Dancer with +28 add, so the luck was with BeoWuLf. -WuZiMu- almost killed himself for that mistake, but he, -[Luffy]- and Beautiful. got 5w each for getting in the 3rd part as consolation prize.

Now the 3 winners had to fight for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and they had to do very simple thing. HORN RACE.
It was intense. When 1st lap ended, JEBAT and BeoWuLf finished it in almost same time and _@$[]()-.N was behind them, but I just cannot understand how that hapenned, but somehow _@$[]()-.N finished the 2nd lap first and BeoWuLf finished second, leaving JEBAT in 3rd place.

What was the prizes? Whew..

_@$[]()-.N received Arch Demon Set +P that I bought for 25$ lol.
BeoWuLf received 25 wind accessories.
JEBAT received 15 wind accessories.

So, overall, this event cost me 73 wind accessories and 25$ that actually is about 38w (I was stupid to buy that set for 25$, but oh well, I was still new), so the overall would be 111 winds that were given away in this event.

Now do you want that you had joined this event, m8? :) Next time I hope for more people to join my event, thanks to everyone who participated and I hope you had fun. Till next time! :)
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