Leatrix latency FIX update 3.0

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Well-known member
August 22nd , 2011
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Here's the latest update for Leatrix latency fix


What does it do?

Leatrix Latency Fix will reduce your online gaming latency significantly by increasing the frequency of TCP acknowledgements sent to the game server. For the technically minded, this is a program which will modify TCPAckFrequency.

You will see reduced latency in many online games including -removed-

System Requirements

Leatrix Latency Fix is supported on these operating systems only.
Windows 7
Windows Vista (SP1 or higher)
Windows XP (SP3)
Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are supported.

Installation Instructions

Simply download the zip file, extract it and then run Leatrix_Latency_Fix_3.00.exe. When the program launches, click the Install button. You will see the status change from 'Not Installed' to 'Installed'. You need to restart your computer (or disable/enable your network card) for the changes to take effect.

If you're using Windows Vista or Windows 7 with User Account Control enabled, you will be prompted to confirm that you wish for Leatrix Latency Fix to make changes to your computer.

Your Windows account needs to have Administrator rights in order to install or remove Leatrix Latency Fix. If your Windows account doesn't have Administrator rights, you will be prompted for the credentials of an account that does have them.

After Leatrix Latency Fix has been installed, you can login to your online games with reduced latency!

To uninstall Leatrix Latency Fix, click the remove button and restart your computer.

For reference, the status line in the program will show 3 possible tags. 'Installed' indicates that all network interfaces have been modified for reduced latency. 'Not Installed' indicates that no network interfaces are modified for reduced latency. 'Partially Installed' indicates that some network interfaces have been modified for reduced latency. You will see this status tag if you add a new network card (or perhaps a USB modem) after the installation of Leatrix Latency Fix.

CREDITS : http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info13581-LeatrixLatencyFix.html
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ok, I'm gonna try this out as well, XD TY for this Wrath=)

OMG it works like a charm, My Pot rate Increased significantly!! TY for this useful software Wrathe!!
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Tried it few times,it fuks my net,after few hours can't connect to the internet.
Leatrix latency FIX modifies your system registry. As everyone's computer and ISP is different, the results varies. Personally, the effect was minute for me.

Generally this "software" should not disconnect your internet connection as it only reduces the delay for TCP acknowledgements.
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It doesn't disconnect the internet,but you just can't connect to the internet and anything else that requires internet connection,even tho there is still bytes coming in and out.
It doesn't disconnect the internet,but you just can't connect to the internet and anything else that requires internet connection,even tho there is still bytes coming in and out.
I've actually faced similar problems like you, where I'm able to send and receive bytes but my browser and YouTube (for example) fail to work. All these happened without Leatrix Latency Fix. Though I cannot pinpoint the exact reason why is this happening, I usually just wait it out or do a hard restart from my router's gateway.
But I will not rule out the possibility of Leatrix Latency Fix being the cause.

Back on Leatrix Latency Fix, I usually edit the registry myself. At least I know what I've done it to, rather then a software "telling" me what it has done.
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