duration: 31days to start with
Reason: using third party software to be afk. and abusing achievment reward.
PRoof: thread, all vids are in there
To ADD: i removed 50k GC from you as you already used all the gc you got with abusing the achievment reward. so your now in -49,724.
we kept a eye on you, and you kept on making and deleting chars and let them do the same thing, but sad for you, your program went in error.
Reason: using third party software to be afk. and abusing achievment reward.
PRoof: thread, all vids are in there
To ADD: i removed 50k GC from you as you already used all the gc you got with abusing the achievment reward. so your now in -49,724.
we kept a eye on you, and you kept on making and deleting chars and let them do the same thing, but sad for you, your program went in error.