Hello Friends,
I received many messages from the community asking me if I could create an anti-lag patch for Duel Room.
Well, this is my first version 1.0, I deleted many models and modified some textures, In the following days I will post an update.
Important, Install:
1 - Delete the folder Object56 "InfinityMU / Data " and copy my Objet folder in InfinityMU / Data.
2 - The files ojz ozb att copy to folder InfinityMU / Data / World56
Download Objet folder: https://www.mediafire.com/file/d721ve5qax58o86/object65.rar/file
Download files ojz ozb att : https://www.mediafire.com/file/6k02gzw9lk3lx8o/INFI_att_otz_otj.rar/file
New Deep Loren 2.5 In process..
Map RIP @SuperCris
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