Discussion Mmorpg

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September 24th , 2013
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Since Mu is a (MMORPG) massively multiplayer online role-playing game, why don't I ever see someone roleplaying? I used to player a server where you had to roleplay and had to speak in character when talking ingame. If you wanted to talk out of character you had to type ((text)).

Example In character chat. Lets go guild , lets kill those evil bastards.
In character:Im heading to Lorencia and buy some potions , my health is low.

Example Out of character: ((Whats your skype? What is your name in real life.))
Out of character: ((rofl)),((lol),((I'm gonna go afk)),((Whats your facebook)).

If you talked out of character without using ((text)) you would get banned for like a day. In no way am i suggesting this to be implemented that would destroy the game obviously. I was just wondering why i never see someone actually roleplaying killing a monster or something. That old server was pretty fun cause you would log in and see a bunch of crazy people really getting into the game and seeing what kind of crazy scenario they would roleplay in the game lol. I remember a guild roleplayed a elf getting kidnapped and raped by another guild haahahahaah.
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