Monthly Top Voters
Every month there will be Top 10 Voters who has submitted most votes for our server.
As follows everyone in the Top 10 will get credits reward. Starting with first place - 2000 Unique credits to - 1000 Unique credits for latest 10th place. The ranking will be restarted on the first day of each month, and everyone who's in Top 10 will receive his reward instantly.
Please give your support and 1 minute from your time to our game and vote typing correct verification code on each top list then your vote will be unique and successfully submitted to the top. By voting in each top you help the server to improve and get more players.
I will use this thread to announce the Top 10 Voters every month. I will also make sure if they are 2nd or 3rd time in Top 10 every month I will give bonus credits when giving the rewards in end of the month.
We are one from the MU servers who are famous and populated than any other, we're pro and should stay like this.
Top Voters ranking -
As follows everyone in the Top 10 will get credits reward. Starting with first place - 2000 Unique credits to - 1000 Unique credits for latest 10th place. The ranking will be restarted on the first day of each month, and everyone who's in Top 10 will receive his reward instantly.
Please give your support and 1 minute from your time to our game and vote typing correct verification code on each top list then your vote will be unique and successfully submitted to the top. By voting in each top you help the server to improve and get more players.
I will use this thread to announce the Top 10 Voters every month. I will also make sure if they are 2nd or 3rd time in Top 10 every month I will give bonus credits when giving the rewards in end of the month.
We are one from the MU servers who are famous and populated than any other, we're pro and should stay like this.
Top Voters ranking -