MU problem

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May 7th , 2010
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mu does not start no erors its just no start i download mu again but no sense
i have SS

help me admin
Go to the task manager and check if you have "main.exe" already opened. If it is opened close it and try again to launch the game.
Tell me what files do you see in InfinityMU Client/MuGuard folder or just take screenshot of the files in MuGuard folder.

Try this for now:
Right click on My Computer then Properties then Advanced tab > Performance Settings > Data Execution Prevention > Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select > Add... > the add mu.exe and main.exe which is in our client root folder then click Apply and then OK. Try to connect and if still not work, try to restart your PC.
i have the same problem... i downloaded patch and now i cant enter to the game >.< i really dunno what is happened with it....
ee wtf i Do what u say than i restart PC allready no sense i take SS in muguard folder
here SS:
EazY, is that happened after today's update?

>MasterPro, if you get Disconnect check your internet connection or try to enter to other server. Try server 2 or 3.
same here... i try to open mu this morning after that update and its not working...
Something is wrong with your system. Since others can connect I can't know what's the problem. We will do an update later if find solution and you will be able to connect. Till then check your system if something is not wrong and fix it.
Ahh and Unistall all cheats. Like cheat engine on your desktop. We figured out that on some service packs @ windows the game does not run smoothly. So it's a system problem. But we will make update for that soon as possible.
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